Episode 89

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Demi smiles as the nurse lays her brand new baby on her chest after Joe had cut the cord, cries filling the room but for whatever reason both Joe and Demi are happy about that, the baby is healthy and hopefully with no complications. The nurse slowly takes the baby of Demi chest and looks in between the legs so she can discover what they have.

"You have a little boy." She uncovers and Jemi smile wide hearing their sons cries. The nurse takes him way to get weighed and measured and Demi can't help but feel lost and empty. 9 months he's been in there for now, he's suddenly out and Demi feels empty especially because he isn't anywhere near her. Demi looks over at Joe who is staring down at her, he smiles and she does the same, their lips are soon connected but pull away knowing their not alone.

"We have a boy." Joe exclaims and Demi giggles.

"Good job, I don't want another daddy's girl." Demi jokes and he chuckles taking hold of her hand again like through the whole experience. He keeps his hands lock in hers until the nurse comes back holding their baby boy in a bundle of blankets. She places their baby boy in Demi's arms as she looks down at her brand new son as Joe does the same. He begins calming down knowing he's back into his mother's arms curling up in her side.

"He was 7'2 and 18 inches long," She explains and Jemi smile at each other. "I'll just go get forms and things." She explains walking off. Joe leans down and whispers softly into her ear.

"Happy Anniversary." Demi's smile widens impossibly more realising their son was actually born on their 2nd year anniversary just like Joe was apart from it wasn't his parents 2nd. Demi's happiness is way too much for her to handle so she begins crying, Joe smiles knowing she's not upset but just happy beginning to wipe away her tears.

Joe wonders through the corridors of the hospital heading towards to the waiting room to let everyone know how it's gone and that he has a new son. He can't believe he is here and on his anniversary but only just, he was born at 11:57pm. Joe turns the corner seeing his family sat down their leg moving up and down in nervousness, some being as calm as they can but some not sat down but pacing around waiting for any news. Joe smiles when he sees his son and daughter run over to him, he picks them up and holds them against either side of him as everyone rushes over.

"Tell us now." Selena begs and Joe chuckles.

"We had a boy!" He announces and everyone cheers sharing hugs as Joe tells them the details.

"What about a name?" Sel asks again and Joe smiles as everyone stops staying quiet to hear what the new member of the family is called.

"Jayden Adam, Demi wanted him to have my middle name." Joe explains and everyone congratulates him before they all go down to meet Jayden Adam Jonas.  

Demi smiles as the last visitor leaves just wanting to sleep, the nurses said they would be able to go home later on today since it's 1am they may as well spend the night to make sure no complications occur. Demi kisses Jayden's head before looking up at Joe who is trying his best not to fall asleep.

"Joe?" She says and he looks at her. "Put him in the crib?" Demi questions and Joe nods taking him off her placing him down in the little plastic crib.

"Go to sleep." Joe lectures and Demi smiles.

"You too." She lectures back as he takes a seat back on the couch laying down.

"Way ahead of ya." He says shutting his eyes soon drifting off to sleep. Demi smiles looking from her boyfriend sleeping to her son before laying her head down on the mattress to sleep. She now feels as if he family is complete apart from the fact she's not married to Joe but they both agreed not until they are a little older. Demi is just looking forward to the future with her boyfriend, sons and daughter, she knows it will be hard but they will get through it as usual.


The next one is the last one :(

Hope you enjoyed it though :D

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