Episode 37

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~2 weeks Later~

Demi's POV-

I stumble back into my bedroom and fall on the bed yet again, I've been throwing up none stop all night and let me tell you it's not fun. I think I know what this means, I'm pregnant but it also seems a bit weird that it's just been over 2 weeks, surely I can't be having morning sickness this early in the 9 month period. I take a deep breath seeing if I can get anymore sleep before I decide to throw up again.

"Demi are you okay?" I hear and look at the doorway seeing my mom, I sigh and shake my head making her walk to the bed and feel my head.

"Why didn't you wake me?" She asks pulling her hand away from my head.

"I didn't want to disturb you." I admit and she sighs.

"Well you're not burning up so I don't know what it could be, I'll call doctor in morning and see what she says." I nod and grab her hand before she walks away.

"Mom I haven't been completely honest you." I tell her and she looks down at me a bit confused, I don't know how to tell her I'm not a virgin and could be pregnant.

"What is it?"

"You know Joe?" I ask and she nods. "We've been together since November."

"That's great Demi, I'm happy for you but what does this have to do with your being sick?" She questions and I sigh. 

"When we went to the mountains the other weekend we had sex, afterwards he discovered the condom was broken so I might be pregnant." I reveal looking down at the sheets.

"Oh Demi," She says laying next to me. "I thought you told me you weren't going to have sex until you knew you loved the guy."

"I do love Joe that's the thing, we may have only been dating for a couple of months but I fall more and more in love with him every day." I explain and she smiles. 

"Well your clearly not going to school tomorrow, I will take you to the doctors and see if they can confirm whether you are or not but for now see if you can get to sleep." I nod and she climbs off my bed tucking me in. She leaves me to sleep and I sigh rolling on my side hugging my stomach, I'm looking forward to being a mommy but I'm not sure if this is the right time. The one thing I'm not looking forward to is telling my dad, he may not be my real dad but he's been here since I could ever remember and he's quite protective over me since he treats me like his own daughter like I treat him like my own dad. I can imagine what his reaction is right now and it isn't pretty, I just hope my mom will tell him or be there when I tell him. 

I woke up a couple of times through the rest of the night to visit the toilet but it went okay. I get woken up by my mom saying were going to the hospital now, I was thinking last night, I should have had my period last week but didn't. The possibility is high that I'm pregnant when you fit all the puzzle pieces together. I take a quick shower and get dressed getting into the car without eating breakfast, if I had I would bring it straight back up which I don't want.

"I haven't told your dad yet and I won't until we know for sure, if you're not then we don't speak of this around him." I nod and we set off, I text Joe telling him what's happening and I won't be in school but let him know what happens. I'm not sure what I want.


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