Episode 4

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The teacher rushes to his side as everyone peers over their desks to see if he's okay, his eyes are closed so he is out. The teacher checks his pulse just in case and tells everyone to leave but me, he didn't want me out there without any adult supervision.

"Why was he at the nurse this morning?" He asks.

"He was carrying a box with something for chemistry and fell, he got a big lump of glass in the palm of his hand so he had to get it taken out." I explain and he nods. We hear groaning and I look down seeing Joe come back around. 

"Are you okay Joe?" He asks.

"No my head hurts." He mumbles closing his eyes again.

"Just stay there, the nurse will be here shortly." We sit and wait for a few minutes until the nurse comes.

"There's ambulance on the way, what happened?" She asks and the teacher explains everything. The nurse does a check over just before the ambulance came and put him on a stretcher, I feel so sorry for the poor boy, he seems so nice with a bad medical history. He gets taken away and class goes on as normal, I wonder what was up with him. my lessons go by and soon it's recess where I meet Sel at my locker.

"Did you hear about Joe?" I ask and she nods.

"He's fine and back at home. Some of the boys who bully him pushed him into the lockers and he hit his head a bit hard." She explains and I nod, I really don't agree with bullying, it's a horrible thing. We start walking down the halls until we reach outside and sit on the bench starting to talk again, it seems to be all were doing.

Joe's POV-

"Mom I'm fine!" I say as she tucks me into my bed.

"Your obviously not if you ended up on the floor, I hope those boys gets punished for hurting my baby boy," I groan and she laughs. I wanted to stay at school to get away from all this but my mom wouldn't let me. "Would you like anything?" She asks and I shake my head even though that could have been a advantage.

"I'm fine thanks mom."

"How's your hand?" She asks and I look down at the white bandages covering my wound.

"A bit sore." I admit.

"You should rest, I'll keep Frankie away from your room when he gets back from school." I nod and get comfortable hoping to get some sleep. My mom kisses my head and leaves the room, finally! I manage to get to sleep but wake up to screaming, my 6 year old brother wanting to see me, god knows why my parents decided to have a baby 11 years after me. I sigh and climb out of bed walking out the door and to the top of the stairs where I see my mom trying to keep my brother from coming up the stairs but as soon as he sees me he gets out of mom's grip and runs up the stairs.

"Joe!" He says jumping on me, I catch him luckily and hold him against my side.

"Be careful!" My mom warns making me laugh, she walks out and I walk into my room placing Frankie on the bed.

"Me wanted to see if you were okay but mommy said no." He says making me laugh.

"I'm fine, I promise." I reply looking up at one of my Demi posters, I can't believe she's here!


Joe's cute with Frankie :)

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