Episode 33

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We spend the next 2 hours unpacking everything and settling down into our house for the weekend, this should be great! Spending the weekend with nobody more wonderful then my the guy I fall more and more in love with everyday.

"Do you wanna try and write this song now or relax a bit?" He asks and I look at the time seeing it's 11am.

"Relax until lunch, have lunch then do it?" I suggest and he nods wrapping his arms around me turning my straight face into a smile.

"Sounds good." He replies kissing my forehead. I smile and lean the side of my head on his chest and wrap my arms around his waist turning his embrace into a hug. I pull away a few moments later and peck his lips making him smile.

"Thanks for this Joe." I tell him.

"You're welcome." He replies and grabs my hands. "You wanna go in hot tub?" He asks and I smile, I love hot tubs. I nod and we begin getting changed into our swimwear even though it's middle on January and freezing cold but it's a hot tub so it should warm us up. I grab Joe's hand and lead him towards the hot tub where we both get in, a dreamy sigh realising from both of our mouths as the hot water warms up our cold limps. 

"This feels so nice." I admit leaning my head on Joe's shoulder.

"It really does." He replies wrapping his arm around me. We begin talking about random things while we relax in the warm bubbly water, it's taking the stress away a bit and thankfully Joe's offered to help me with the song. I look up at Joe babbling on about something I don't even know, I'm just admiring how cute he looks with his curly hair kind of damp with the water. He notices I'm not listening and staring and smiles at me.

"What?" He asks and I giggle blushing a bit. He lifts me up and places me on his lap, I look up at him and smile.

"I love you Gorgeous." I tell him, he leans up and presses his lips gently on mine making me instantly kiss back. We deepen the kiss but it soon doesn't take long for me to feel his tongue gazing on my bottom lip, I open my mouth letting his tongue snake in and start exploring my mouth. The kiss becomes more and more intense after seconds until I find myself extremely wanting this guy, I pull away and lean into his ear whispering.

"Make love to me?" I question pulling away looking at him.

"You sure?" He asks and I nod smiling, he holds onto me and stands up carrying me into the bedroom placing me on the bed.

I put my plate in the sink with Joe's and join him on the couch seeing his face is concerned and a bit worried, I put my hand on his shoulder making him turn to me.

"What's wrong?" I ask and he sighs looking down at his lap.

"I was cleaning up the bedroom, you know our swim stuff and the condom but when I looked closer at it, it was broken," I gasp a bit feeling my eye swell up with tears, Joe moves his glance up at me when  I don't say anything. "I'm sorry Demi."

"It's not your fault." I reply hugging him and burying my face into his neck, he wraps his arms back around me. I could be a mom by the end of the year. That thought makes me begin crying, sad tears but also happy tears because there are some plus sides to all this. Enjoying a child that came from me and the guy I love, I just wish I would be a little bit older.


He Loved Me Before We Met- A Jemi Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now