Episode 90 (The End)

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~4 years later~

Joe and Demi stroll down the beach hand in hand after having a meal out in a nice restaurant, probably one of the first times since Noah and Cece were born. Joe squeezes Demi's hand 3 times and Demi mimics his gesture knowing he's just telling her he loves her. Demi looks up at Joe and smiles stopping them walking.

"What?" He questions looking down at her. She leans up and presses her lips on his, he kisses back leaning down a bit so she doesn't have to stand on her tip toes. They both smile as they pull away. Joe thinks now is the moment, he hopefully knows the answer already but he can't be over confident. Joe takes a deep breath before getting on one knee holding the ring up to her.

"Demi I could go across the world 3 times and still not find anyone more perfect then you, your my world and I don't know what state I would be in without you and for that reason I want to spend the rest of my life with you, growing old and just enjoying your company. Demetria Devonne Lovato will you do the honour of being my wife?" Joe questions looking up at her with hopeful eyes, Demi allows the tears gently trickle down her cheek lost for words. "An answer soon would be nice, my leg is cramping up." Joe says making Demi laugh and help him up. She leans over to his ear and whispers.

"Yes." Joe's smile turns impossibly wider as he slides the ring on the right finger.

"I love you beautiful." He mumbles getting closer and closer towards her lips.

"I love you too gorgeous." She says before closing the gap between them capturing them into a passionate kiss.

Jemi stroll into their house later on hand in hand neither of them able to wipe the wide smile of their faces. They both smile as Noah and Cece run over to them jumping in their arms.

"You getting married?" Cece asks wrapping her arms around her dad's neck, she's still a daddy's girl mainly because Joe spoils her for being his only daughter but she's not fussy anymore like she was when she was younger.

"Yep and you're not until you're at least 40." Joe says.

"Okay!" She says jumping out of his arms and running off. Joe turns his head to see Demi glaring at him, he chuckles and leans down kissing Noah's head.

"You okay big man?" Joe asks and Noah nods, he's always been the quieter one. Demi puts him on the floor and takes hold of his hand as they walk through into the living room where Sel is with Cece, she gets up and gives them both a hug. She knew all along they would be getting married one day and although she doesn't live with them anymore she's watched all three of their kids grow up into polite and well behaved children.

"Jay is upstairs sleeping." Sel tells them and they nod beginning to walk upstairs into the room he shares with Noah. They make their way to the bed kneeling down by it looking down at their son sleeping peacefully. They both can't believe he's four already and Demi can't believe how much he looks like his dad but  knows that face will get the ladies when he's older.

"Mommy?" They hear looking down at him.

"We're both here baby boy." Demi says creasing his hair, he smiles and gets up standing on the bed wanting a cuddle. Joe smiles picking him up as he buries his head in  the nape of his neck still half asleep. They both get a cuddle before they lay him back down tucking him in.

"Sleep well baby boy." Demi says kissing his head again as he drifts back off to sleep. Joe takes Demi's hand again as they make their way back downstairs ready to get their older children into bed leaving Sel to get home to Nick. Once everyone is asleep Jemi find themselves in bed themselves embracing each other not quite wanting to go to sleep yet.

"I love you." Demi whispers in his ear.

"I love you too." He replies leaving them sharing a passionate kiss.


Nothing worse then ending a great story :(

Hope you guys loved it

Remember to check out my 2 new Jemi stories

-Fear His Curse

-I had you at Hello

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