Episode 55

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The weekend was stressful, we couldn't leave the house because of paparazzi and I'm not even kidding, I think they actually camped out! We have our last Monday at school today and Demi's dad has actually had to arrange some of Demi's body guards to come and clear a pathway for us to get to school. Once we finally get out the car I take hold of Demi's for the first time in public, I see her look up at me and smile as I smile as well.

"Stop flirting and let's get into school." Sel demands and we laugh walking up to school everyone's eyes on us but I really don't care, I'm just thankful everyone found out finally. We make our way to our lockers and sorting out things we don't need and do, luckily it's just going to be 3 days of fun and graduation ceremony then I can finally get work on my album as well as Demi.

"Are you going to prom or not Demi?" Sel questions and she shakes her head.

"Awe why not?" I question and she sighs.

"I can't get into a dress." She admits and I grab her hand again.

"Is that what your worried about?" Sel asks and she nods.

"Your Demi Lovato, I bet you could get one tailor made!" I exclaim and she laughs. I know prom is usually held May time but we've had some changes done to the gym so it's been pushed back to early July and the graduation has been pushed forward to Wednesday since everything is ready for it.

"I'll see." She says making me give Sel a high 5. We begin talking about random things until I feel my back being pushed, I turn around seeing Kyle smirking at me.

"Can I talk to you?" He asks and I nod.

"I'll see you in class." I tell Demi and Sel, they nod and I walk away with Kyle to a empty corridor I presume he wants to talk in private. I lean against the locker glancing up at Kyle who is looking at me, I think he's kind of got over me or maybe he's still in love with me, I'm not sure to be honest. 

"I have a boyfriend." He tells me and I smile a bit.

"Really what's his name?" I question

"His name is James and he's really nice." We have a small talk about all this and he begins thanking me for making him realise he would never get with me by bullying me constantly, it's weird how much my life would change if I had been friends with Kyle, would I actually have turned gay and gone out with him?

"It's fine Kyle, really." I say and he laughs.

"I guess your gonna be a dad then?" He questions and I nod. 

"To twins, we're not sure what they are though." I admit.

"I never would have guessed you'll end up with Demi Lovato, you've been in love with her for years already!" He exclaims and I laugh, I quite often wonder the same thing but I'm thankful she came to this school and became friends with Sel, I really don't know what I would do without her anymore. Our relationship is weird, we haven't been together for a year yet but we are so in love that it seems like we've been together for 5 years. Love is a understatement for what I feel about this girl. The bell rings making me and Kyle begin walking to class. We carry on talking about random things until we reach class and walk in going our separate ways to sit down. I take my seat in-between Sel and Demi greeting them as they greet me back.


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