Episode 60

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After a couple of moments we pull away from the hug and I hold his hand as his mom wipes his tears away. He begins moving trying to get up even though he's just been through surgery less than a hour ago.

"Joe what are you doing?" Denise questions. 

"I need to see her." He demands but we just push him gently back in the bed.

"Honey nobody can yet, you can when she's ready."

"I want to see her now!" he demands again trying to get up again. I rush out trying to find a nurse which I do, we both rush back and try and calm Joe again. It can't be good for him to start walking again yet already. He eventually calms does  making us sigh of relief, I knew he wouldn't take it well, I know nobody would but I know how much Demi means to him so he was going to react badly. I stare down at Joe seeing him just looking at the sheet covering him. We stay with him for a hour or 2, other visitors coming to see him not that he's in the mood to see anyone.

"Hello Joe." We hear as the doctor walks in.

"Hey." He mumbles.

"Has anyone told you what happened to the babies?" The doctor questions making Joe's head shoot up.

"They're not dead?" Joe inquires and we laugh a bit.

"We did tell you Joe." His mom points out.

"Well I weren't listening obviously, are they okay?" Joe asks.

"They're fine at the moment but since they were born premature we put a tube in to help them breathe, after they're a bit stronger we will take the tube out and they should be fine."

"What did we have?" He questions. 

"You wanna come see them?" Joe nods his head quickly making us all laugh and him smile slightly, it was a bit of a stupid question.

"Have you been on crutches before?" The doctor asks and Joe nods.

"Of course he has, he's always getting hurt." His mom complains and we begin laughing again, he is always getting hurt. We help him up off the bed and he gets on the crutches hoping down the room out the door, we follow as the doctor leads us in the right direction. We walk into a huge room with plenty of incubators about which is quite upsetting really, I can see the hurt on Joe's face which I hate seeing, I hate seeing him upset because I care about him so much. The doctor leads us over to 2 incubators. We peer down into them seeing a quite small baby sleeping, at least they're okay.

"You had a boy and a girl," He points out pointing to each of them. "I will leave you, you may go back to your room when you're ready." We nod and he rushes of to see his next patient. We all just stand in silence looking down at the new family members that could not live but the odds look good, it's Demi we need to be worried about. We stay for a couple of minutes until we see Joe struggling on his leg. 

"Let's go back." His mom says simply helping him keep his balance. 

"I'm fine." He says.

"At least sit down on this chair." I say pulling a chair up for him to sit down on. He sits down and we go back to the position of staring at the twins. I don't even remember them talking about names to be honest.


Hope you enjoyed all those episodes :)

I know want 3 comments on this one before I update  

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