Episode 8

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"Hey everyone!" I hear looking up seeing that bushy haired guy that Joe walked in and out of music with.

"Hey Nick, how did you know we were here?" Sel asks.

"I could see Joe's sexy ass from anywh..." He begins and stops once he see me. "Oh." We all burst out laughing. Nick takes a seat next to Joe.

"Hang on did you just say I have a sexy butt?" Joe questions and I turn to Nick waiting for the answer.

"I was joking Joseph, don't get too excited." We laugh again.

"I wouldn't get excited if my own cousin said I had a sexy ass." We laugh yet again. So Nick's his cousin, that makes a bit more sense, they kinda look similar, they could be brothers! I wonder whether Joe has any brothers or sisters, I know Sel doesn't. I over hear Joe and Nick talking hearing Nick teasing Joe about me, 'Hey look it's that girl on your wall.' Joe just punches him making me shake my head.

"Joe you wanna come to my house and do the music assignment tonight?" I ask and he turns to me.

"Um sure, do you drive to school?" He asks and I nod, I got my licence just to get to school.

"Yeah why."

"I'll have to go home first to tell my mom and pick up my guitar." He explains and I nod. We all have a nice lunch just sitting and talking. These are the only people that are treating me like a normal person, loads of students come up to me for a autograph and I don't like turning them down so I just give them it. Sel hasn't treated me different, she's told me a lot of things and I've told her the same, I think Joe's a bit shy around me at times but I'm sure he'll loosen up when he gets used to me being around. I know my mom said I shouldn't get close to anyone but I can't help it, Sel and Joe are just too nice to be able to not too. The day soon goes by and it's time to go home, me and Sel meet Joe at his locker and we pile into cars, Sel in Joe's and me in my own. I begin following Joe to his house, when we get there I notice it's just a simple house, Sel and Joe get out and say by walking into their separate houses. Joe comes out soon and climbs back into his car signalling me to drive off so he can follow me. We reach my house and we park getting out and walking into the house and into the room where I write some of my most successful songs. We both sit down and Joe begins playing the guitar, I smile sitting next to him.

"You're a good player you know." I tell him and he smiles.

"Thanks." He replies.

"No problem, are we gonna get this song done or what?" I say and he laughs a bit, he's so cute when he laughs, wait am I falling for this guy? We begin writing a song, I quite like it actually, we get a bit stuck though it.

"Should we just continue another day?" I suggest.

"Sounds good." he replies and I smile. We begin talking for a while just basically getting to know each other a bit better which helps, he seems like a very sweet young man and it turns out he was only born 5 days before me! Sel's a bit older, she was born just under a month between me and Joe. Soon enough Joe leaves, I am now going to get a lecture from my mother, she said not to get close to anyone but I can't help it! I sigh and walk into the kitchen after showing Joe out. 


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