Episode 47

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Lunch time soon arrives, I couldn't find Demi at recess to apologise to her so I wonder where she's gone. During lunch Demi, Sel and I usually go to the grassy bit behind the school where nobody is to eat our lunch so I bet that's where she is. I stride up the hill and see her laid on the grass enjoy a bit of warmer weather, I block her sun making her look up at me.

"Oh you, I thought you went home." She says and I sigh laying down next to her.

"Sorry about earlier, there was a incident with Kyle and it kinda put me in a bad mood." I admit and she looks at me.

"No kidding, what did he do this time?" She questions and I sigh again.

"kissed me." She sits up quickly and looks at me as I sit up too. I begin explaining the whole situation including the bit that happened on the basket ball court.

"Ah it's good to know you two are okay now." She admits and I beam a smile.

"I love you." I tell her looking at her smiling.

"I love you too."

Demi's POV-

This morning I sent a tweet out, 'Who wants to know some exciting news?' It's now after school and Joe is at my house, I plan to tell the world about me expecting today and I have to say I'm a little nervous. I must be a role model for some girls out there and then I just go and get pregnant at 17, that isn't much of a good example but they're going to have to live with it because I'm having this baby no matter what.

"You're not telling them I'm the dad are you?" Joe asks and I shake my head.

"I have a plan for that one." I admit.

"Oh what?"

"I'm not gonna tell you." I tease and he groans, I finish typing the tweet and pass him my phone so he can read it before I send it out.

"Hey my lovely Lovatics, I have some good news! In 6 months I will be having a little baby!" Joe reads out in a girly voice making me laugh, he waits for me to finish before speaking again. "Sounds good though."

"Thanks." I reply kissing his cheek, I think a little more about it before I hit the send button. That's it now, everyone knows or at least some people so if I do decide to delete the tweet it will still be a rumour. I feel Joe's arms wrap around me tighter.

"Everything will be fine." He encourages and I smile nodding.

"I just can't wait to raise this little one with you." I answer getting a passionate kiss in response. We spend the next couple of hours talking about random things, until Joe fell asleep. I get disturbed in my thoughts by shouting going on outside. I get up and walk to the window seeing loads of paparazzi who go crazy when they see me, I give them a wave and lay back down next to Joe. I can understand why they would want pictures of celebrities but I will never understand why they think they have a right to come to their house and ruin their privacy. I glance over at Joe who's sleeping peacefully, he just fell asleep while we were talking but I must admit he is adorable when he sleeps. I hope everyone will except Joe when I tell them he's the father of my baby, I think it will come sort of a shock to some people but others not so much, I still get tweets and things telling me how much they ship 'Jemi' which I suppose keeps me going a bit knowing some people will approve. 


He Loved Me Before We Met- A Jemi Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now