Episode 3

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The nurse pulls out the glass which made Joe scream out in pain a bit, it even looked painful, she then stops the bleeding and wraps his hand up in bandages.

"I'll call your mom and tell her what happened, is there a game tonight?" She asks.

"Yep but I guess I'm sitting out." He says standing up.

"Try not to come back again." She says making Joe laugh, he walks to me and looks at me.

"Come on." He says and I follow him out, we meet Sel.

"You okay?" She asks and he nods.

"I'm off back to class, see you at lunch?" He says and Sel replies by nodding too. He kisses her head and walks of, I smile at how cute and close they are. We begin on the tour again, this school really is big, just as you think there isn't more there is. We look at the time after he tour and see it's just 10 minutes until next period so we decide to just sit on the bench outside for a bit and talk.

"It it true your engaged?" She blurts out making me laugh.

"No, I'm not pregnant either, I'm virgin."

"I didn't think so." She defends and I laugh, I always get rumours going around about me getting engaged for I'm pregnant when the truth is I'm only 17, I never done anything serious with a guy and I plan not to until I'm sure I love him and he loves me back. I always do wonder which girls have done stuff with which guy though, some are obvious but others so not, they're only obvious when a girl is a obvious slag.

"So what other friends do you have?" I ask and she sighs.

"None really, I have people who I talk with in class and stuff but when it comes to Lunch I just usually sit with Joe, his cousin sometimes sits with us." She explains making me feel a bit sorry for her, she's so nice so I don't see why she shouldn't have any girlfriends to go shopping with because I'm sure this Joe guy doesn't go with her.

"What about shopping? What about slumber parties?" I ask and she looks at me.

"I drag Joe shopping and I sleep at his house a lot or he sleeps at mine." WOW this girl needs to get out and get some girlfriends!

"That's not good enough, you need some girlfriends!" I say making her laugh.

"I guess me and Joe have just been so close we haven't dared get more friends."

"There's more out there then Joe." I say and she sighs.

"I love him though." She replies and I smile.

"You have a crush on him?" I guess and she quickly shakes her head.

"Nope! We're just friends," I laugh at her and she laughs too. "I meant as a friend, I just can't see us together, we know too much about each other's childhood." I guess it would be hard. We continue talking about it until class starts, I'd say we got to know each other quite a bit. I reach my classroom and get the familiar 'Nice to meet you' and a handshake. I sit down in the place the teacher told me to sit, Sel said Joe would be in this lesson but I look around and don't see him here.

"Is Joe not here today?" Mr. Wright asks and everyone just ignores him so I answer.

"I saw him, he went to the nurse last lesson but went back to class." He nods and marks him not here just as he does walk through the door holding his head and looking as if he's in pain.

"There you are Joe, are you okay? You look like you're in pain." He says and Joe nods.

"I'm fine, sorry I'm late." He says and begins walking to his seat but collapses on the way.


Poor Joe :( 

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