Episode 88

621 16 3

I have a boyfriend now :D 


Joe smiles placing the plate on the tray which already has a glass of orange juice and a Rose on it. He picks it up and begins carrying it upstairs into the room he shares with Demi seeing her left where he left him when he got up. He places the tray down carefully on the bedside table then begins shaking her gently. His smile grows impossibly wider when she sees her hazel eyes flutter open, her glance moves over to him and smiles slightly.

"Joe?" She mumbles and he leans down pecking her lips.

"Morning Beautiful," He greets. "Happy 2 year anniversary." He says making Demi remember and smile wide.

"Has it really been 2 years?" Demi questions sitting up still smiling as Joe sets the tray with her breakfast on her lap. Joe chuckles and lays down next to her passing her a knife and fork so she is able to eat her omelette Joe had made her just a couple of minutes ago. Demi takes a bite as her eyes light up with happiness, he's never really cooked for her before now.

"Joe this is really nice!" She exclaims and he kisses the side of her head.

"Thanks." He answers back.

"Seriously try some!" She exclaims feeding him a bit of the omelette. Joe chuckles and chews swallowing it looking down at Demi who is awaiting his reaction. He's not exactly gonna brag about something he made himself. Joe nods and kisses the side of her head again.

"It's lovely but it's your breakfast so eat it." Joe says and Demi giggles carrying on eating as they begin talking about random things.

Sel rushes into the hospital holding onto Nick's hand later on that day hearing that Demi had gone into labour. She was having a nice lunch at Nick's house when Joe texted her, they left instantly wanting to meet the new member of the Jonas family. They dart into Demi's room seeing Demi laid on the bed looking content and relaxed surprisingly as she holds onto Joe's hand. Joe smiles and walks over giving them both a hug.

"Aw it's so good that you can give birth naturally." Sel states knowing Demi wanted to give birth to the twins but because of the car crash it was unable. Demi smiles and nods getting prepared for the pain that could come at any minute.

"I know, I'm kinda looking forward to it." Demi admits.

"I know I wouldn't." Nick states gaining a glare from both Sel and Demi.

"Well you'd never know Mr. Penis." Sel says and Jemi burst out laughing. They stay for a while having a little chat before joining the rest of the family in the waiting area. Demi only wanted Joe there for the birth not really liking the idea of many people in there, her mom understood though. Joe takes his seat back on the chair next to her bed holding onto her hand leaning down kissing the side of her head. Joe's hoping so much that Demi won't be in too much pain because he just doesn't like the idea of that.

"I can't wait to meet him or her." Demi admits and Joe smiles again.

"Neither can I, it will be nice to go through the experience this time since we couldn't last time." Joe admits himself and Demi rolls her eyes.

"Says you who doesn't have to push them out your body." Demi complains and Joe chuckles squeezing her hand 3 times, she smiles knowing it means 'I love you'

"I'll be here with you all the way." Joe promises and Demi smiles leaning up wanting him to give her a kiss. He leans down and kisses her gently, she kisses back adding passion in. They only pulled away when a contraction came along and Demi begin feeling the pain again. Joe squeezes her hand helping her through the few seconds of pain. It soon stops and Demi closes her eyes trying to stop herself from crying, she knew labour hurt but not this much and she knows it's gonna get worse. The only thing getting her through is Joe and the fact she has the rest of her life hopefully with this baby.


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