Episode 14

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So Sorry for late update, I didn't know I had comments and I've been busy with college! I'll try and take more notice when I get the comments I asked for. 


I crash my lips on her obeying her command, she begins kissing back moving our lips together like they were meant to be connected. I feel the sparks run through my body, my first kiss with the perfect girl. She deepens it wrapping her arms around my neck moving closer into me but the moment soon comes to a end when we both pull away catching our breaths. I can't believe that just happened. 

"Joe." She breaths and I smile wrapping my arms around her bringing her into a hug. We embrace each other for a couple of minutes until see pulls away and looking up at me smiling making me smile back. 

Demi's POV-

"I really like you Joe." I say honestly, he leans in again and presses his lips gently on mine. I smile through the kiss and he pulls back a few moments later.

"I've always liked you." He says and I giggle. I grew serious feelings for him over the last week, he's just a amazing guy and doesn't deserve what he gets every day, I'm hoping I can cheer him up a bit that's if he does want  me be with me. 

"What does this mean then?" He questions and I look at him then look down at him playing with my fingers.

"Well I was sort of hoping you would ask me out." I tell him and he chuckles moving his glance up to me and into my eyes.

"Would you be my girlfriend?" He asks and I smile nodding. I lean over and kiss his lips again pulling away a few moments later.

"On a few conditions," I say and he groans making me laugh, he asks what they are and I take his hand holding it. "You do understand you will probably get followed my paparazzi and be in magazines a lot?" I question and he nods.

"I already have been because I left your house late the other day," I forgot about that. "what other conditions?"

"Can we not tell anyone straight away so were the only ones who know?" I asks and he nods.

"I don't know how long it will take my mom or Sel to find out though, I can't lie to them because they know when I do." I laugh and he does a bit. He agrees to all my conditions and we share another kiss, nobody will take this moment away from me. It will just be nice to be with someone who doesn't go through what I do but also understands what it takes to be with a famous person but something tells me Joe will be making it out there some time or another because he's a great song writer and singer. We spend the rest of the time talking and finishing off the song which by the way is great! I may just have to put this song on my next album! We decide to go on a walk risking being caught by the paparazzi but were not gonna hold hands or anything, we don't want anyone to know until we know it's gonna be a serious relationship. We set off heading towards the beach getting followed by flashes which I've gotten used to but I can see Joe's tensing a bit. I can remember when I first became famous I didn't know how to act around people anymore knowing it could end up being bad but I don't care anymore, I will act like I want to, I just hope they don't find out his name. I give Joe a smile and carry on walking down the streets until we hear our names being shouted.

"Hey Joe, Demi!" I sigh and turn around as does Joe seeing Sel running towards us, guess what's gonna be is magazines tomorrow 'Demi's BF Joe.'


Sorry again!

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