Episode 16

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I got 2 comments already so here it is! I promise to update more, I need to carry on writing this as well! 


We eat dinner in silence, well me and Frankie were in silence and my parents were talking about something I really don't care about. I put the last piece of pasta in my mouth and push the plate away.

"Would you like a brownie sundae Joseph?" My mom asks and I look at Frankie who's head shot up looking more awake then he did before.

"Sundae?!" He exclaims and we all laugh.

"I wasn't going to ask you! I know the answer already!" She teases and I smile as Frankie giggles, I say yes to my mom and she walks into the kitchen with the plates she just collected. I begin having a small talk with my dad just about my day at school and everything then mom comes back through with 2 glasses in her hand, she puts them down and I look at it seeing much more brownies then Frankie has.

"No fair! Joe has more brownies!" Frankie cries and I sigh, I know what she's doing. She's going to be nice to me, I mean nicer than usual until I tell her who my girlfriend is. I give Frankie some of my brownies and eat my own. Tonight is going to be a long night, help!

The night goes by and I get into bed after having a quick talk with Sel over the veranda. I was about to switch my light off and close my eyes when my mom walks in, I sigh looking over at her seeing she has my favourite teddy as a child and a hot water bottle.

"Hello Joseph I thought you may need these." She says simply walking to my bed and passing me them.

"Thanks but I'm fine thanks." 

"Get comfortable, I'll tuck you in." She answers totally ignoring me comment. I sigh getting comfortable with my teddy and the hot water bottle, she tucks the covers up to my neck and kisses my head.

"Goodnight baby boy." She walks out and I roll my eyes placing my teddy on the floor and turning on my side switching the light off.

I wake up by a buzzing in my ear, I sigh and roll over switching the button off my alarm clock. I get up and do my usual routine getting into the shower and getting into clean clothes. I head downstairs smelling a range of different secants, bacon, sausage, beans, basically a full English breakfast. I take a deep breath, she's going to be doing this until I tell her I'm now dating Demi. I make my way into the kitchen sitting up on the island where my mom turn to me placing a massive plate of everything in-front of me without saying anything, I dig in not saying anything either. I place the last bit in my mouth  swallow it putting my knife and fork down on the now clean plate.

"I'm not gonna tell you." I say and she turns to me.

"You say that now I gave you that?" She exclaims and I laugh.

"I'm not stupid mom." I say getting up and kissing her cheek, I leave after grabbing my bag and what looks like a luxurious lunch. I guess there is a advantage of all this. I reach Sel's house walking in and into the kitchen where Sel is making her lunch, she throws me a magazine which has me and Sel kissing with a massive headline 'Demi's new Bf Joe cheats!' I sigh and look at Sel who has a worried look on her face, I could get loads of hate for this and she knows it.


Just so you know I'm still writing this and I'm currently at Episode 61 so there's plenty more for you to read :) I've just read through the whole story ready to start writing again, I imagine it will last another 20 or so episodes

I won't be able to post much tomorrow though because I'm off to visit my brother at his University :) 

2 comments for next one :)

thanks xx

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