Episode 40

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Demi's POV-

Joe drops me off outside my house and then leaves going god knows where until school ends. I walk into my house and into the living room seeing both my mom and dad watching TV, I sit down as the switch it off turning towards me.

"Demi will you forgive me? I was just a bit angry and didn't know the whole situation so I apologise." He explains and I nod trying not to cry again. 

"We need to talk about this Demi." My mom says and I nod again looking up at them.

"Joe and I want to keep him or her, I'm not having a abortion nor giving them up for adoption."  I tell them harshly so they understand I'm not even joking.

"Are you sure Demi, it's a big responsibility and your still young." My mom says and I shake my head quickly.

"I'm keeping them."

"And is Joe happy about this?" My dad questions and I nod.

"He's really looking forward to it, were not like other teenagers remember, we're quite mature for our age." I tell them and they nod. We begin talking about everything and thankfully they seem to be getting used to the idea. Now all we really need to do is tell Joe's parents, I'm not sure how they will react but I think Joe is telling them tonight and texting me how it goes. I run up to my room and lay down on my bed bringing the frame on my nightstand to lean on my chest, it's a picture of my parents and I, soon there will be a extra member of the family and I have to say I'm looking forward to it.  

Joe's POV-

A couple of hours later doing nothing but attempting to do my homework I'm sat at the dinner table with my family playing with my food. I may be excited about being a dad in 9 months but I'm really nervous about telling my parents, I know my mom doesn't want a Grandchild quite yet but I think my dad would accept it, my mom's the problem. 

"Joseph are you okay?" My mom questions and I look at her nodding, I can't bring myself to tell them, not yet anyway.

"Are you sure?" My dad questions this time.

"I'm positive, just not very hungry." I admit and they nod.

"If you don't want it put it in microwave for when you want it, could you start washing the dishes?" She asks and I nod standing up and taking my plate through and placing it in the microwave. I walk over to the sink and begin filling it with water adding washing up liquid, by the time it's filled up and I've begun washing up my mom walks through with the other plates placing them on the side next to me. She grabs a dish cloth and begins drying the dishes I've already washed, I come back onto my planet thinking about how to tell them again until I get disrupted again.

"Are you sure your alright Joe? You seem very distant." She asks again and I sigh nodding.

"I've just got a lot on my mind." I admit.

"You want to talk about one of these things?" She asks and I shake my head, I'm just going to come out and say it.

"Mom Demi's pregnant." I blurt out waiting for her reaction, she probably did the worst thing possible, walked out.


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