Episode 76

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Days go by and Joe has been nowhere to be seen, nobody has seen him or heard of him. They even tried contacting his parents but they said they haven't heard from him either. Demi is fuming that he left all those fans disappointed and also leaving her to look after their kids by herself which is proving difficult. Even though she is angry she can't help but worry about where he is and what he's doing, it's been in the news that he ran away before the concert and even then nobody has seen him. Demi has no idea where he could be other than home.

"Dada!" Cece wines stomping her feet on the ground, Demi has had to adjust to all the things that Joe could only do with Cece which has proved difficult but thankfully Demi thinks she's starting to get used to Demi doing it although that doesn't mean she isn't missing her dad same as Noah is feeling.

"I know you miss him baby but he's being silly and nobody knows where he is." She says scooping her up into her arms beginning to kiss all over her face making her squeal attempting to push her face away. Demi stops and smiles seeing her daughter trying to catch her breath back, Demi kisses the side of her head and places her in the play pen next to her brother. She grabs her ringing phone holding it up to her ear when she sees Sel on the call ID.

"Hi Sel." She greets taking a seat on the couch in the tour bus opposite the play pen.

"Hey Demi, heard anything else about Joe?" Sel questions pacing around her bedroom, she's been worried about him ever since she'd heard he'd gone missing.

"No, sorry." Demi says hearing a sigh on the other end.

"Where could he have gone?" Sel asks a rhetorical question. "What are you gonna do when he comes back?" She asks.

"I don't know, he's acting like a bit of a jerk so I'm not sure if I'd want to be with a guy like that." She admits feeling her eyes water up, she'd never have thought she would have said that but over the tour she's gradually seen him go from a sweet guy to one who fame is getting to his head a bit,  thinking he's at the top of the word when the truth is he's only opening up for someone.

"I'm sure you guys will work it out, you always do." Sel assures.

"I'm not so sure this time." She stammers allowing the tears to fall down her cheeks.

"Go take a nap okay and stop talking crap!" Sel exclaims and Demi laughs a bit through her tears. They hang up and Demi looks down at her kids playing, she was telling the truth when she didn't know what would happen this time.

Joe wakes up instantly grabbing hold of his throbbing head, he groans and look around the room seeing a girl laid next to him. His eyes widen and scrambles up noticing he's naked.

"No, no, no." He repeats to himself starting to get dressed instantly feeling the pain again, the pain of her not being close by, the pain of not hearing her voice or seeing her smile but also the pain of him not hearing his son and daughter's laughter. He so wants to go back after days of doing nothing but drinking and apparently having sex with random girls, he'd never of thought he'd turn out to be one of these people but he never thought loose the girl he loves so much. Joe makes his way out of the house, he has no idea how he got there but that doesn't matter. He continues strolling down the deserted street, he's in a small village knowing no reporters will be able to find him. His stomach is rumbling but he ignores it not in the mood to eat. His head snaps around when he hears someone walking behind him seeing nobody there, he shrugs it off and carries on the journey of god knows where until he hears those footsteps again.

"Who's there?" He says as he turns around again but sees nobody, he begins running getting scared that something bad is going to happen rushing into park which is empty. "Not helping." He mumbles, he slows down which was probably the worst thing he could do. He gets pushed into the woods on the edge of the park his mouth being covered, he doesn't bother screaming, nobody would be able to hear him his screams for help.


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