Episode 69

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A couple of days later and Demi is getting ready to go back home with Joe and Sel but more excitingly Noah and Cece. They'd signed the birth certificates so now they can't change the names at all but they're both confident these are the names they want and the names that suit them. Joe wonders into Demi's room to see her packing up a bag Joe brought the other day, he smiles and walks around to her snaking his arms around her waist.

"Hey gorgeous." Demi greets smiling and lean into him a bit.

"If I'm gorgeous that must make you drop dead gorgeous." Joe flirts making Demi burst out laughing, Joe smiles shaking his head just loving to see her so happy again and not lying lifeless on the hospital bed. Joe plants a kiss on her head before helping pack her bags. Moments later and there's a knock on the door, Joe opens the door seeing Sel with the twins in the stroller.

"Guys they're adorable." She admits and they laugh, Joe turns to Demi.

"You ready to go?" He asks and Demi nods but stops them before they could walk out the door. 

"Sel could you take a picture of the 4 of us?" She questions holding out her phone, Sel agrees and take the phone. Joe reaches into the stroll bringing out Noah passing him to Demi before picking up Cece holding her tight but not too tight in his arms standing next to Demi. Sel snaps a few pictures before they lay their sleeping twins back down in the stroller.

The 3 of them walk out the hospital together, Demi pushing the stroller instantly getting a sight full of reporters taking pictures, luckily the twins won't be seen not that they're aloud to get any pictures. Demi's missed the first 6 weeks of their life and now she is making it up by spending as much time as she possibly can. They carry on the journey to the car ignoring all questions asked wanting to post on twitter when they get back about the names and details. They drive away when everyone is in, Joe driving, Sel in the passenger  while Demi is in the back squashed in the middle between her son and Daughter. They all sigh of relief when they turn the corner getting away from it all but then laugh at each other.

"I don't think I will ever get used to that," Demi admits. "It's still surprising everytime I go out and see them, good job I've never got hurt."

"That's what security is for." Joe teases and Demi glares at him through the mirror making them laugh. Demi looks down when she hears some noises seeing Noah is awake making little baby noises while he admires his surroundings. She smiles and takes hold of his little hand shaking his arm gently, she can't believe they're here, maybe a couple of weeks early but they're here fit and healthy ready for Joe and Demi to love. She's looking forward to the future with them, seeing them smile for the first time, when they start eating solids and especially when  she hears their first word and sees them take their first step. The only thing she isn't looks forward to is telling them off, she'll do it if needed but she doesn't like the idea of them hating her even if the next minute they love her again. Luckily for her that is a long time away. Demi gets knocked out of her thought when the door opens seeing her boyfriend unclasp the car seat from the stand which Cece is laid in.

"You okay?" Joe asks seeing her expression.

"I'm fine." She says unclasping Noah's car seat and passing him it carefully only letting go when she knows he's got him. They all wonder into the house Demi looking around seeing how different it is to when she was last here, they'd baby proofed everything ready for when they are up and running about or even when they are crawling.

"Sel can you make Coffee, I've missed it." Sel laughs and nods walking off. Demi follows Joe upstairs into their room where they lay them down allowing them to sleep in comfort and silence. Joe wraps his arm around Demi and kisses the side of her head as she leans into him a bit.

"I love you." He whispers in her ear.

"I love you too." She replies as they both look down admiring Noah and Cece.


2 comments/lots of reads for next one :)  

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