Episode 12

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Just decided to update anyway 


"And what are these?" Sel says pointing to his wrist, he sighs again and hides his cuts. 

"I won't do it again, I promise." 

"That's what you said last time." She say making me back up at Joe, I see him look up at me, he told me this time was his first. The nurse walks in just then interrupting us.

"Joe your mom is here." She says and he gets up limping out past me. I sigh as me and Sel make our way to our classes. I just don't understand why he would lie to me, everything he told me could have been a bunch of lies but I can't be angry at him, I've been through it all. I just hope he knows I'm willing to help him through it because I know what it's like and it really is hard to get through it, I think I will go see him after school just to make sure he's okay, that would be the right thing to do right?  

Joe's POV-

I sigh walking into my house, I really don't want to be home right now but I don't want to be at school either, I want to be far away! Mars sounds good.

"Should we have a chat Joseph?" My mom suggests.

"There's nothing to talk about." I say simply walking upstairs into my room standing right in-front of the mirror, no wonder I've never had a girlfriend. I'll probably never end up having a girlfriend, Sel will find a guy and leave me alone to live with my parents forever. As much as I love my parents; it's not a lifestyle I want to have. I flop on my bed and curl up into a ball, I've just had enough of it all. I eventually fall asleep in my deep thoughts.

I wake up by the doorbell ringing, I sigh and sit up feeling something flutter onto my lap. I pick it up and read it.

'Hello love, hope you feel a bit better! :) I've gone to watch Frankie's soccer game, be back in a few hours. Love Mom x' I rush downstairs knowing my mom won't be getting the door, I open it to find Demi stood there looking at me. I forgot she knew where I lived!

"Can we talk?" She asks and I nod letting her in.

"I don't know why you'd want to, I lied to you which I'm sorry about." I say honestly.

"It's fine Joe, you wanna talk about it?" She suggests and I sigh nodding. I lead her upstairs into my bedroom where I lay back on my bed, I decided to take all my posters down in case this moment happened, now they're just plain walls. I invite her to lay next to me and she does keeping a bit of distance between us.

Demi's POV-

"How are you feeling?" She asks.

"Still a bit sore but I'll be fine." I explain and she nods.

"You know I could help you? I've been through it all so I know how you feel."

"Thanks but I don't need any help."

"You obviously do Joe," I begin and he sighs. "When did the bullying start."

"Kindergarten." He whispers and I look at him, no wonder he's like this if he's been though it this long. I look at him seeing he's started to cry I give him a hug making him wrap his arms back around me. He begins babbling on about why he will never get married and have kids, why no girl will ever want him but that's not true. I stop him and I begin trying to convince him hoping he will believe it coming from me. He eventually calms down and falls asleep, I guess crying does tire you out.


I want 3 comments this time though :P  

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