Episode 82

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Demi sighs as they pull up at her house, she's not looking forward to facing him again but knows how much Noah and Cece have missed him. She picks up Cece putting her on the ground taking hold of her hand for support, then picks up a sleeping Noah as she leads Cece out the bus. She takes a deep breath before walking up the stoned pathway and into the house smiling when she sees Sel. She lays Noah on the couch and gives Sel a hug as she hugs back.

"It's good to have you back," Sel admits as they pull away. "Look how much they have grown!" She exclaims as she gives Cece a hug. Demi laughs and picks up Noah.

"I'm just gonna take him to his room." She says wondering upstairs into the room Noah and Cece shared when they were living her laying him on the bed kissing his head after tucking him in. She walks out into the hallway before peering into her old room seeing Joe laid there sleeping peacefully. She can't help but smile and walk in noticing his eyes are red as if he's been crying. She lays her hand over her bump wondering if that's the reason, she sees him stir and rushes to the wardrobe acting as if she's been looking through there at not at him sleeping. She feels eyes burning on her back knowing he's awake.

"Demi?" He mumbles and she slowly turns around.

"Hi Joe." She greets.

"What are you doing back?" He questions rubbing his eyes, she smiles slightly at how cute he looks when he's half asleep, something she hasn't woken up to in ages. 

"I cancelled the tour." She states turning back around searching in the wardrobe, this time for something and not just to cover up something else she was doing. She doesn't hear him answer back so she doesn't speak again, she begins heading towards the bathroom.

"No!" He shouts scurrying up standing in-front of the door. "You can't go in there." He says suddenly wide awake.

"What why?" Demi demands to know but knows she probably won't get a clear answer.

"You just can't." He says.

"Stop being stupid I need to pee." She says pushing her way in past her instantly getting a hit of a stench she is too familiar with. She rushes to the sink picking up the cigarette type of item bringing it up to her nose instantly knowing the smell. She turns to the door seeing Joe stood there with his head to the ground.

"Joe don't tell me it's true?" She says placing it back down in the sink, she doesn't get a response so walks to him going in his jacket pocket pulling out a bag full of them. Her eyes begin watering up as she looks up at him, he doesn't dare give her eye contact, he doesn't know how to react to all this. He knew somebody would find out soon enough but somehow he's happy it was Demi. She's been through all this before so knows she's his best shot at beating the addiction.

"Help me," He stammers looking up into her eyes. "I can't do it anymore."

"Joe how did you even start doing this?" She questions grabbing hold of his hands leading him to the bed as they both take a seat, Demi keeping hold of his hands for comfort. She begins letting her tears fall just pure worry for the guy in-front of him, the damage could have already been done even if he does get help. She could watch him die slowly and painfully.

"After we had that fight, this guy told me that alcohol wouldn't get the pain away but these would and it did when I was still under the influence. He gave me it in needle form but I know that's not the safest way so went to those." He explains also crying slightly.

"Pain of what?" Demi asks. 

"You not being by my side." He mumbles but she still hears him.

"It's your own stupid fault I weren't there." She mumbles back but she knew he still heard her.

"If your gonna act like that then I don't want your help," He begins standing up and taking the drugs off the bed. "Just never talk to me again." He says before leaving.


It does get better I promise haha

I still need 1 more comment on 'Fear His Curse' to update

2 comments for next one :)  

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