Episode 66

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"Alright, we had a boy and a girl." He states and everyone cheers making Joe chuckle, when he found out they would be having twins he wanted one of each just like everyone would. They begin talking about the condition the babies are in and how Demi was before she was cleared as being fine, he goes everyday to the hospital to see both his kids and Demi so gets told everyday how much they have improved apart from Demi, she hasn't improved apart from her heart stop failing. Soon they begin talking about Joe's family which Joe is confused about, why would he bring that up?

"So who are you closest to in your family?" Lee asks, by this time Andy had left.

"My parents, my brother and probably my 2 cousins." 

"How old is your little brother?" Lee questions.

"He will be 7 in September, hopefully growing out of his devil self." Everyone laughs and Joe chuckles at his own joke.  

"I actually managed to convince your family to come in so we can get to know you a bit better."

"Family as in who?" Joe questions.

"Your mom, cousins and little brother but it looks like your brother is too impatient because he's running towards us." Joe laughs as his brother appears in his eyesight. He must admit since moving out all that time ago he has missed playing with his little brother and just being around him all the time. Frankie runs to him and Joe picks him up placing him on his knee.

"Me Uncle." Frankie says and everyone awes. 

"Hi Frankie." Lee greets and Frankie waves making the audience awe again.

"Me Uncle." He repeats and everyone laughs.

"What's your favourite thing about your big brother?" Lee asks and Frankie's face changes into his thinking face which everyone laughs at. He's just trying to think about the times he's had with Joe which is too many to choose from.

"Don't you have one? Am I really a horrible brother." Joe teases.

"Quiet! Me thinking." Frankie demands and everyone laughs.

"I'd be quiet if I were you." Lee jokes. Minutes pass and Frankie is still thinking about a awesome thing about his big brother, one that nobody knows about him or wouldn't expect but it's proving difficult. He groans and jumps of Joe's knee.

"Me going to ask mommy." He states before running off, everyone laughs again as Joe shakes his head. He's never seen such a confident little boy as his little brother, he can't have got it from Joe. Soon Frankie comes back and tells the world many things he likes about Joe like how he would used to drop whatever her was doing to play with him  but then leaves to go home with his dad ready for bed while his mother comes on to have a chat with her eldest son and Lee.

"What was Joe like as a child?" Lee asks and Joe stays quiet hoping his mom won't say something embarrassing, odds are she will.

"I know it sounds silly now but he was a quiet and shy child, it wasn't until he met Demi that he completely changed into this confident teenager." Denise explains.

"Why were you shy Joe?" Lee asks.

"Bullying, I suffered a lot at school until towards the end when I announced I was dating Demi then I guess they all wanted to be my friend to get to Demi not that I allowed them, I was happy with Sel and Demi as my friends." Everyone awes and Joe rolls his eyes making them all laugh. 

"And now your realising a album!" Lee exclaims and everyone cheers. "Are you proud of him?"

"Of course I am, we've been through a lot and he deserves to do what he does best."

"Thanks mom." Joe says and everyone awes again.

"Well We're not talking to your cousins but you are doing a performance for us, go backstage and join them to talk about what song you want to do." Lee commands and Joe walks off to join his cousins deciding on the song 'Neon'.


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