Episode 43

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~2 Months later~

Demi's POV-

It's been a extremely stressful 2 months, both mine and Joe's parents are really trying to put us of the idea of keeping our child and putting them up for adoption but the horrible thing is there blaming Joe for the whole thing. That's the thing with these kinds of situations, they always blame the male even though I was the one who asked for Joe to make love to me and I hate it. Along with School Joe is getting extremely stressed and I'm actually worried about him at this stage because he's beginning to throw up and it has to take a lot of stress to get to that stage. I don't think our parents quite realise how much we have fallen in love with our child already without even meeting them or knowing their gender, after all that is our child that we made out of love. As for me I want a girl just like Joe does, he wants a girl because he can remember how much his mom wanted a little girl when Frankie came along but the way she is acting I don't know whether he should feel like that anymore. I'm heading to 12 weeks being currently at 10, once I reach 12 I will be telling my Lovatics about it because I think they should know and not figure it out, luckily I haven't really been showing much yet. I sit down next to Joe on a couch opposite a couch which mine and Joe's parents are sitting on, a family meeting has been called, what now? I look over at Joe who's holding his head.

"You okay?" I ask and he nods.

"Just headache." He replies and I look over at our parents who are talking.

"Maybe you should go lie down?" I suggest and he shakes his head.

"I will after this." I nod and we both turn back to our parents who cleared their voices. They begin rambling on about adoption and crap, I thought we told them already were not doing any of that. The thing is it seems to be my dad and Joe's mom leading the whole discussion and that's what it's been like over the last 2 months, my dad or Joe's mom don't agree with this at all and they will do anything to try and get us to give this baby up for adoption. 

"Sorry, can we do this another time? I really need to lie down." Joe says standing up.

"Joseph can you please just sit down a minute?" His mom demands but he just shakes his head walking to the stairs but before he could reach the first step he collapses on the floor. I rush to his side as his everyone else does, I lift his head up on my knee and start stroking his hair, this is it, I don't want any more stress being put on him.

"Why is my baby always poorly." 

"Because you're putting too much stress on him!" I say trying not to sound rude.

"And how are we doing that?" My dad asks and I sigh.

"You know it takes two people to make a baby, it's like your blaming the whole thing on him. All we want to do is raise our child, is that too much to ask?" I plead hoping it will open their eyes a little bit. They all just ignore me mainly because Joe begins coming back around groaning and opening the eyes I'm in love with. 

"Come on, let's get you to bed." His mom says, everyone helps him up since he's still a bit asleep and achy, we take him upstairs and lay him on the bed where I slide next to him.

"Demi were going home." My dad whispers a bit knowing Joe isn't well. 

"I'm staying with Joe," I demand and he sighs nodding. "I'll be home later." They all pile out and I sigh looking down at my boyfriend now fast asleep.

"I love you." I tell him planting a kiss on his forehead.


He Loved Me Before We Met- A Jemi Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now