Episode 78

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Joe is sat in the woods against a tree waiting to see Scott again, the drugs had helped but he wants to take something that want cause him as much harm, something to smoke probably. He begins getting impatient being sat here for a hour already, he was about to give up when he hears twigs being snapped Scott soon appearing at the entrance.  Joe stands up and they meet in the middle of the clearance. Joe sighs and hands him the needles back. 

"Not worked?" Scott guesses sticking them in his leather pocket. 

"No they worked, I just want something less harmful." He admits looking up at him, Scott chuckles and Joe raises his eyebrow. 

"Why not just not take them, that's the best thing if you don't want to be harmed." He says and Joe shrugs a little embarrassed.  

"I gotta get the pain away somehow and alcohol didn't work." Joe explains, Scott reaches into his pocket pulling out some cigarette looking type of thing handing them to Joe. They do their little exchange before separating, Joe going back to his hotel starting to light up one of the rolls. 

Joe spends the next couple of weeks doing what he's been doing all week, he knows now he's already addicted smoking them several times a day. It gets the pain away and that's the aim. He's getting ready to go back home, well to the tour bus knowing it will be parked exactly where he left it that day, he misses Noah and Cece too much. He'd taken a showers and brushed his teeth several times even using mouthwash to attempt to get the stench of the smoke away. He's been covered for ages even getting numbers from Scott who can supply him from just about every place you could imagine. He pops some gum in his mouth heading onto the parking lot getting followed my reporters ignoring their questions. He takes a deep breath before walking onto the bus seeing Demi on the couch watching TV with her back facing him. 

"Demi?" Joe says and her head snaps around smiling when she sees him, she gets up and rushes over hugging him tightly. Joe doesn't know what to do or say so just lets her hug him, he's not planning on telling her what's happened over the weeks, what drastic events have happened which could change their life forever. 

"What happened?" Demi asks pulling away Joe shrugs not finding any words to come out. "I was scared something happened to you." She admit and he smiles slightly. 

"I'm fine, I promise." He assures kissing her head and walking past her to the bathroom. Demi stands there confused, she'd thought he'd be a bit happier seeing her but obviously not. She follows him into the bathroom seeing him taking a shave, that is something Joe hadn't done in a couple of weeks gaining some stubble, he's only 18 so he hasn't got a huge amount but enough to irritate him. 

"What's wrong?" Demi asks noticing he's not the same, she can't expect much with what he's been through, difference is she doesn't know. 

"Just tired." He admits. 

"Where you been sleeping?" She asks. 

"Hotel," He replies wiping his face pulling his shirt back over his head. He looks over at Demi who's got a worried expression on her face. "What's wrong?" Joe asks this time. 

"You're not the same." She frowns and he sighs. 

"I just need a good night's sleep, I promise." He assures and she nods leaning up pecking his lips. 

"mm minty." She says making him chuckle nervously, good thing she didn't pick up on it. Joe wonders through to the twins room seeing them awake in their cribs smiling when they scream his name holding their hands up for him to take, he picks both of the kissing their heads. Words can't describe how much he's missed them. 

"Me miss you." Cece mumbles, Joe smiles noticing her vocabulary expanding a bit. 

"I missed you too princess." He says kissing her head again.    


I would love it if more of you would check out my new Jemi story that I'm doing, I really love it so would love for more to read it. It's called 'Fear His Curse' 

2 comments/1 comment and at least 30 reads 

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