Episode 61

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I'm updating even though I only got 1 comment. I uploaded all those episodes for you and only 1 person read them and commented? I won't be very happy if that one person is the only one again but thanks to that person for commenting :) 


Joe's POV-

Now I have seen my son and daughter my heart is mended a bit, I still need to hear Demi's voice and see her smile before I will no longer be depressed. I'm happy I got a girl and a boy, at least I have something to remember Demi by while she is away. I limp on my crutches back to my room getting help down on the bed by my mom and Sel, I sigh and begin playing with the bed sheet until I feel my hands being pushed away and held. I look up seeing my mom and Sel holding one of my hands each.

"You need to cheer up." My mom tells me and I just look up at her.

"I can't, I may never be able to speak to her again."

"I'm sure she will survive Joe, you need to believe in it." Sel tells me wiping the tears that have now fallen.

"But what if she doesn't? What if she dies and leaves me to die alone."

"If she does which I'm sure she won't you'll have me and all your other friends." 

"I just want to go to sleep." I tell them and they let go of my hands and sit down. I get as comfortable as I can with this heavy pot holding my leg down and fall asleep. I begin dreaming about what life would be like if Demi does leave me and I have to raise our son and daughter all by myself. I won't be able to do it without Demi, I'd have no idea where to start, I'd probably end up dropping them or something. I want to raise these with Demi not by myself but if I have to do it I will because they are my children after all.

I was woken by been shuck gently, I open my eyes seeing my mom. I groan wanting to go back to sleep, it's as if I'm back at school again. I close my eyes again trying to get comfortable but I begin hearing my mom speaking.

"Joe you need to wake up now." She tells me.

"Why?" I groan keeping my eyes shut.  

"Well you don't have to but you do if you want to see Demi." My eyes shoot up at them seeing a smile on their faces, I thought nobody could see her? I begin getting up, Sel and my mom beginning to help when they realise what I'm trying to do, they help me sit down on the wheelchair which was put there ready when I want to go see the twins or Demi when the doctors said she's ready. They begin pushing me through the snake like corridors until we reach a door.

"Before you go in Joe you should know she's not in great shape, it may hurt you seeing her but were here for you." my mom explains and I nod.

"I want to go alone." I mutter.

"Joe I don't think that's wise." Sel explains. 

"I want to go alone." I repeat and hear a sigh realise from their lips before helping me up onto my feet passing me my crutches before taking a seat leaving me to have some privacy with my Demi. I push the door open and limp on my crutches not wanting to look at her but I know I have to do this, I need to see her. I wait for the door to close behind me before slowly lifting my head up to meet her, she's laid there amongst wires. Her skin so pale, she doesn't look peaceful at all, I wish she would wake up so I can see her beautiful smile and hear her voice. It just won't be the same without her, I need her hear with me, she's my life and I just can't imagine it without her.


2 comments for next one which is a bit different, I changed the style of writing so the Episodes will be longer  

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