Episode 23

980 22 3

Demi's POV-

I put the last bit on tape on Joe's present and place it on the floor beside me. I jump up and take a quick shower before walking downstairs where my parents are.

"What time is Joe coming?" My step dad asks.

"Just sometime after he's had his Christmas dinner." I explain and he nods. We talk for a while until I hear the door go, I get up and walk to the door opening it revealing my boyfriend. I let him in and lead him upstairs into my bedroom where his present is waiting to be opened. I lock the door as he lays down on my bed and I pick the present up that I just wrapped placing it on the bed next to him. 

"Demi I said nothing expensive!" He wines and I laugh, don't presume until you opened it!

"Just open it." He sighs and takes the paper of revealing a guitar case. He un-clips the case and opens it revealing a bunch of his favourite chocolates. He laughs and stares up at me  with his amazing eyes smiling. 

"Thanks." I smile and put it on the floor laying down next to him. I wrap my arms around him and he wraps his back around me embracing me into a hug. He pulls away a few moments later passing me a small box, I begin removing the paper revealing a box that will probably contain some form on jewellery. I open the box peering inside seeing a necklace with a key charm dangling off. I up at Joe in awe.

"I love it!" I say hugging him again probably suffocating him. 

"I'm glad you like it," He says and I look up at him smiling. I lean up and kiss him softly pulling back seconds later. "Now turn round so I can put it on."

"You want to put it on?" I ask and he laughs giving me a kiss. I turn around and he helps me put my necklace on, I turn around and attack him with a hug again making him laugh. We talk about what we got for Christmas and about other things for a good 10-20 minutes before there's a knock at the door. I tell the person to come in and my dad walks in.

"You want to go back on Lee Jackson's show on 29th?" He asks and I turn to Joe.

"You want to?" I question and he nods.

"Okay, he wants you to perform if that's okay with you both?" He inquires and I nod as well as Joe. We talk about it for a couple of minutes then my dad leaves I presume to call Lee back. I turn to Joe and give him a smile, he didn't smile back but he did lean down and kiss me. I kiss back deepening it slightly but he's too impatient and cuts to the chase poking his tongue through my mouth starting to make out with me. We've been making out a lot recently and sometimes it's lead to more but one of always stops it before it gets too far, what can I say? We're teenagers. I pull away a while later catching my breath as he does the same, he wraps his arms around me and lays me back down on the bed in his arms. We catch our breath for a couple of minutes until he spoke.

"If we're performing are we doing it together or separate?" He questions.

"Together if you'd like? How about we do the song we wrote for music class?" I suggest and he nods leaning down and kissing my forehead. I've had my fair share of boyfriends but I never gotten this close to one in such a small space of time, I'm really falling head over heels for this guy.

"What are you thinking about?" He asks and I snap out of my thoughts looking but at him.

"Oh nothing." I answer smiling.


He Loved Me Before We Met- A Jemi Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now