Episode 42

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Once we reach Demi's house we knock on the door letting it open revealing Demi's mom.

"Oh hello, come in," We walk in and take of our shoes hanging our jackets up. "You can stay but if I were you Joe I'd try and stay away from Demi's dad, he's still a bit angry." I sigh and nod, we make our way up into Demi's room seeing her laid on her bed watching TV, she sees us and switches it off.

"Hey guys." She greets and we greet back, Sel sits down on her desk chair and I take a seat next to Demi wrapping my arm around her.

"I really need to get a boyfriend." Sel complains and Demi giggles a bit.

"I'd be your boyfriend if I weren't taken," I tell her and she pulls a face making Demi burst out laughing. "I'm not that bad am I?" I question.

"No you're not." She teases pinching my cheeks making Sel laugh, she pulls away and I glare at Sel making Demi laugh too. 

"If you have a girl can you name her Selena?" She bursts out and we laugh.

"How about no?" I suggest and she glares at me this time. I'm not even going to talk about names yet, not going to buy anything either because sadly there is still a chance we could lose our son or daughter. We begin just talking about the baby, Sel had some questions about it that only Demi could answer. Eventually Sel got a call saying she's needed back at home, something to do with her Grandparents being here. My Grandparents are moving here so I think it will be great so they can spend some time with their great Grandchild. I give Sel a hug and say bye as Demi does the same.

"You know your mom has told me I'd better stay away from your dad." I tell her sliding onto the bed next to her again.

"Doesn't surprise me, he wasn't too impressed but we'll be fine," She tells me leaning on my chest, I lean down and kiss her head feeling her smile. "Did you tell your parents last night? I never got a text."

"Oh I forgot, I told my mom who I presume told my dad."I begin. "My mom isn't happy about it really, we had a talk this morning and she's going to accept it but she's disappointed in me." I explain.

"Oh." She says looking down.

"The funny thing if I used the condoms my mom gave me and they broke." She giggles a bit and I smile. We begin talking about random things just getting to know each other even more, I hope this pregnancy doesn't hurt her too much otherwise I will just feel really guilty if my girlfriend is hurting because of this. She looks up at me and I look back down at her smiling, I lean down and press my lips gently on hers, she kisses back deepening it a bit. We eventually begin French kissing until she quickly pulls away and scurries into the bathroom, I sigh and follow holding her hair back. I really hope she doesn't have this through the whole pregnancy. She finishes and stands up giving me a hug, I hug back holding her gently in my arms as she buries her head in my chest.

"I'm sorry."I whisper in her hear making her look up at me.

"For what?"

"Making you feel like this." I explain and she sighs.

"It's not your fault Joe, your don't need to be sorry." She explains pulling away and starting to brush her teeth, I smile and wrap my arms around her hugging her from the behind.


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