Episode 71

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Demi places her laptop in the bag zipping it up before laying it against one of her suitcases, she looks around and sees Joe hasn't even started packing yet frustrating her. She stands up and makes her way into Cece and Noah's room seeing him attempting to help them pack toys which they want to take with them on the 6 month long tour.

"1 more." Joe demands, Noah runs over and places a toy car in the suitcase then running off to Demi once he saw her, Cece may be a daddy's girl but Noah is certainly a momma's boy. Joe turns to meet her eyes giving her a warm smile.

"Joe you haven't even started packing yet." Demi lectures.

"I'm doing these pair, hurry up Cece." Joe states carrying on watching her try and decide which other toy to pick up.

"I'll take over, we leave in the morning." Demi states walking to him, Joe stands up and pecks her lips before wondering off into the bedroom beginning to pack whatever he needs for the next 6 months. Demi walks to Cece's toy box pulling out a toy she knows that she loves and obviously forgot to pack, she nods her head quickly and Demi laughs placing it in the suitcase along with her other toys and Noah's. Demi looks in-front of her seeing Noah laid on the floor hugging his favourite teddy giraffe, Demi awes and kneels down by him.

"Is my baby boy ready for bed?" Demi questions and he nods. "Let's get you changed then."

Joe lays down on the bed next to Demi after stripping down into his boxers wrapping his arms loosely around her. Demi smiles and leans her head on his arm seeing his tired but cute face, she leans up and pecks his lips making a small smile appear on his lips. He leans down and presses his lips on hers making her instantly kiss back, it doesn't take long for tongue to be involved Joe rolling over so she is laid down on her. They only pull away when air was needed still staying close to each other's faces.

"I love you." Joe mumbles feeling her breath on his face.

"I love you too," She mumbles as well before connecting their lips again. Joe kisses back rolling them over again so he's hovering over her but she soon pulls away. "Just make love to me." She mumbles and he laughs a bit starting to kiss her neck.

Demi wakes up by buzzing in her ear she laughs when she hears Joe groaning for her to switch it off because it's too early.

"We have to get up Joseph," She lectures. "You should get used to early mornings."

"I will tomorrow morning, let me sleep." He mumbles making her laugh, she leans over and pulls out of his few chest hairs making him squeal.

"Demi! I don't have many!" He complains and she laughs against tapping his bare chest.

"Get up big boy." She says making her way into the bathroom beginning to brush her long now pink hair. She smiles at the pink just loving the change just not knowing what colour to go next, Joe convincing her to go back blue and with his puppy dog eyes he may just win the battle. She finishes her hair and brushes her teeth before putting them all in a toiletry bag leaving it on the side ready for Joe to put his in. She wonders back through into the room seeing Joe asleep on the bed again, she shakes her head and runs over jumping on his making him instantly wake up.

"Demiii!" He groans again.

"Next time it will be a bucket of cold water." She whispers in his ear getting back up and skipping over to her wardrobe. She pulls out a pair of sweats and one of Joe's shirts he isn't taking smiling when she sees Joe walk through into the bathroom in the mirror. She changes and wonders off downstairs to start packing the bags into the tour bus which is parked outside of the house, they plan not to wake Noah and Cece up, just carry them through putting them straight in their beds. Soon enough Joe helps her making the deed get done quicker. 


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Remember to check out my new Jemi book 'Fear his curse'

thanks xx  

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