Episode 81

575 22 3

Last one for tonight, I'll post in morning if I have the comments :) 


Joe strolls into his house that night seeing Sel on the couch watching TV like he did earlier when he arrived, she looks up at him then back down at the screen not knowing what to say to him. Joe just stands there waiting for her to say or do something but she doesn't so he has to ask what's wrong with her, he knows the answer already.

"'Nothing but you need to call Demi." She says not looking at him.

"Why would I do that?" He asks and she sighs, she shouldn't be the one to tell him he's going to be a dad again, it should be Demi so she needs to convince him to actually give her a call.

"She has some news to tell you."

"If you know why don't you tell me?" He questions walking over the back of the couch, he really doesn't want to call her again, he doesn't want to see or speak to her again if she's not his. It pains him not to but it's for the best.

"Because you should hear it from her not me." She says simply. It takes some doing but she finally convinces her to call her. He takes a deep breath before hitting the call button walking upstairs into his room out of Sel's way, he doesn't want her hearing this if he's being honest. After a couple of rings she picks up, the girl he misses more than anything.

"Joe?" She questions and he sighs.

"Sel said you have something to tell me?" He says cutting to the reason he phoned. He hears some shuffling about on the other end as if she's sitting up when she's in bed, something tells him something is wrong if she's not getting ready for a show. "Shouldn't you be getting ready for a show?" He questions hearing a sigh on the other one.

"I'm not sure if I'm carrying on the tour." She admits.

"What why? It's not me is it?" He questions, he'd hate that more than anything.

"No, I can do a show without a support act," She begins and takes a deep breath gaining some confidence as well. "Joe I'm pregnant." She says and Joe's mouth just opens wide staying silent on the other end, she can hear his breathing so she knows that he's still there. He just freezes as if his brain doesn't know how to react to what was just said by him. He comes back to reality he hears his name being said continuously on the other line. He presses the hang up button and flops on his bed curling up into a ball starting to cry, he doesn't know what else to do. He soon hears footsteps on the stairs and the door opening, he hears Sel sigh as she climbs on the bed next to him. She wraps her arms around her as he cries into her chest, she rubs his back as he cries just worried about him. She's been best friends with him for years and hasn't felt so far away from him in all those years yet she's laid right next to him comforting him. Minutes pass and she feels him starting to calm down a bit beginning to hear small snores coming from him, she smiles slightly kissing the top of his head, it's too early for her to go to sleep and doesn't want to disturb him so she just lays there thinking as he sleep against her.

Demi sighs placing the last toy in the case knowing soon different hands may have hold of the toy fighting with their big siblings to play with it. She decided it's best for the baby to quit the last half of the tour but promising she will make it up to those fans by doing meet and greets when she's back and healthy, all they know is she's ill not that she's actually pregnant. As for the future of her career she hasn't decided yet, she will take that as it comes.

"Are you sure about this Demi?" Andy questions and Demi nods.

"I don't want any more stress being put on this baby then there is already." She admits zipping up the suitcase passing it to him to take with the rest of the luggage, he sighs and leaves the room. Demi lays down next to Noah and Cece who are sleeping beginning to watch them. She's looking forward to being a mom again but she doesn't want her baby being born into this world, she just wants everything to be back to normal. Why can't her life ever be normal?


2 comments for next one ;)  

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