Episode 62

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Thanks for the comments guys, here's the next one. I changed the way I'm writing to 3rd person, I prefer it this way and it makes the episodes longer! 


Joe hops over to Demi's side on his crutches just staring at her pale face, he doesn't know what to think and he doesn't know what to say. Plenty of people have said people can hear you when they're in comas which just makes Joe more nervous about talking to her. Joe leans down placing a kiss on her forehead before gaining balance back on his feet.

"Please wake up Dems, I don't want to raise our kids without you. We had a boy and a girl in-case you didn't know before you went to sleep, they're perfectly fine, just need fattening up a bit." Joe explains staring at his girlfriend just wanting her to respond but know she won't. He looks down at his leg wondering why he only ended up with this when his girlfriend is laid on this bed fighting for her life. His glance only moved up when he heard a continuous beeping noise, he falls to the ground crying as doctors rush in, a nurse bends down to Joe taking hold of his hands.

"Come on you need to get up." She says calmly not wanting to scare him even more.

"I-I can't." He stutters moving his glance down to his leg obviously scared for what's going to happen to Demi. Joe hears a sigh escape her lips as she helps him slide along the floor to the corner where he just brings his head into his hands. There's no way the nurse would be able to help him back on his feet alone although she really doesn't want him to stay there.

             It felt like a lifetime to Joe until all sounds vanished, he didn't darie lift his head up wanting the news that she was gone and there's nothing they can do to save her leaving him to look after their two children. He heard the door opening people piling out but he didn't look up until he felt hands on his shaking ones, not the hands he wants to. He saw the nurse squatting down not showing any expression.

"Come on let's get you back up." She says motioning for a male nurse to help him, they manage to get him back on his feet with his crutches.

"Is she okay?" Joe asks wiping his eyes.

"She's fine now, still in the coma but stable," She explains and he nods. "Come on and sit on this chair while you spend time with her." She suggests pulling out the chair so it's facing the bed, she helps him down on it placing his crutches to the side with easy access for him to reach leaving the room so he can spend time with her. Joe grabs onto her hand instantly making his stop shaking, a sigh of relief escapes his lips just loving to feel his touch again. He has nothing to say, not after that experience, he just bursts into hysterics again burring his head in the mattress shutting his eyes tight. He begins feeling rubbing on his back know straight away it's his mom's touch helping him calm down a bit. It wasn't until this moment Denise knew how much her son loved this girl instantly feeling guilt  wash over her body about the whole baby thing, wanting them both to put them up for adoption. She never thought 17 year olds could be in love that young until this moment.

Joe limps into his house having given something to help him walk on his cast so he won't have to use his crutches in the house, only when he's out. Denise insisted he stayed back at her house with his dad and little brother but he just wanted to be in his home with Sel as comfort. Joe plops on the couch and rubs his sore eyes. Selena follows him through sitting next to him taking hold of his hands. 

"You'll make them more sore." she lectures and Joe sighs. It's not the same without her, he hasn't even got his son and daughter with him.

"Sorry I put you through all this." He mumbles looking down at the floor.

"It doesn't matter Joe, I'm upset too just staying strong for you." Sel admits even know holding back tears, she hates seeing her best friend laid on that hospital bed looking in pain knowing she can't do anything but what hurts her more is seeing her best friend since they were little hurting over the whole situation, she wants nothing more then everything to be back to normal.

"Cry if you want, we'll cry together." He says and they both laugh leaning on each other, it just feels like they have each other now. It will be a quiet couple of days, weeks or even months without her.


Do you prefer it this way or the other away?

2 comments for next one :)

thanks xx 

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