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Harley's POV

I was looking at a picture of me on Joker's wall.

It was my picture that I took when I first worked at the asylum. There was a paper next to the picture.

I picked it up and started reading it.

I know it's not the right thing to do but if you found an article made about you, wouldn't you be interested?

Name: Dr. Harleen Frances Quinzel M.D

Team Affiliations: Suicide Squad

Partnerships: The Joker (accomplice and lover)

Abilities: Trained Psychiatrist, Skilled Gymnast, Utilizes Weaponized Props.

"What are you doing?"

I let out a little scream.

I turn around and it's Joker.

I try to hide the paper behind my back.

"You scared me. I was just reading this. Didn't know that there was an article about me." I held up the paper. "Is the Suicide Squad the only thing I'm known for?"

"For now. If you were part of any other Task Force, your name would be stated there as well." He locked the door.

"Wait why do you have to lock the door?!" I screamed.

"Woah. Chill, Harley. I'm locking it cause you know my security system isn't the best." He sighed.

"Oh. Right. On the paper it says that you're my lover. Is that what we are?" I saw my mallet by the door.

"It's just complicated. I might love you. I'm just crazy. Insane. A psycho. I hurt you so many times. I guess you can say we're lovers but we're very fucked up if we are." Joker sighed.

"There's one thing I'm sure about. We're both crazy. We can be insane together." I snarled.

"You want me to read the rest?" His 'eyebrows' twitched which made me laugh.

"Sure." I gave him the paper.

"So basically you were a psychiatrist at Arkham Asylum and I was your patient. You have a New York accent. Wait. I kind of hear it sometimes." His footsteps were so soft as he walked up to me.

"I don't like to really show it that much."

"Ok well. Your name is the play on the name 'Harlequin'. That's all I know, personally." I heard a thud and he jumped a little.

"What was that?" I stared at him.

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