Why I Love You

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Joker's POV

"What do you want to watch?" I knocked on the bathroom door.

"Um..a horror movie." Harley opened the door.

"The Cabin in the Woods?" My eyes narrowed at hers.

"No." Harley turned off the lights and laid on my bed.

"Halloween?" I crossed my arms against my chest.

"Nah. But which one though?"

"Original." I gritted my teeth.

"Hmmm. Nah."

"It Follows?" I smiled.

"I never watched that one. What's it about?"

"Basically it's a curse passed by sexual intercourse."

"Oh. That's interesting. Ok I'll watch it." Harley's finger trailed down my cheek.

I popped the movie in and we laid down on the bed.

"They're getting it." She said, tiredly.

"I don't get it why people in horror movies are so stupid."

"That's what makes it great." Harley simply looked at me. Her phone rang. "Excuse me." Harley left the room.

Harley came back after about four minutes.

"What's wrong?" I walked up to her.

"I need to go." Harley touched my hand.

"Why?" I pulled my hand back.

"Floyd might be dead." Harley sneered.

"What?! Do they need my help too?"

"Yeah." Harley gathered her original costume. She sighed in frustration.

"It's ok."

Harley quickly changed. "We should tell Tyler not to bring Isaiah in the morning."

"I'll tell him." I opened a case and got out my gun.

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