My Thoughts on Suicide Squad

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I just came back from the movie theaters and in my opinion, Suicide Squad was so good and bad ass. I literally ran from the parking lot to the movies (I was late by a second).

I love everything about it. The movie was good. The critics are being way too hard on the movie although it does have it's problems but I think it was great.

The songs they popped in there, were all good. I loved all of them. A lot of people were saying that they spent way too much time on the origins but I don't think so at all.

Jared Leto as Joker (I LOVE HIM!) He was great. I hate when people try to compare him to Heath. Heath's Joker and Jared's Joker are totally different.

They're in different universes. If Heath was still alive, I doubt that they would cast him for Suicide Squad because it's so different. And I'm not even mad about Leto's short screen time because it's about the Squad and not about him.

I just hope that there will be a movie about Joker and Harley Quinn or a Batman film because there wasn't enough of him. Margot was perfect for Harley Quinn.

They say that she was annoying but duh ❤👌. Jai Courtney as Captain Boomerang was awesome and also Will Smith as Deadshot.

The part where Harleen was falling in the acid tank and Joker was going to walk away but then he stopped and the look on his face when he did. (Oh fuck. I'm gonna have to go in after her.)

And also the song "Gangsta" by Kehlani and the instrumental sounds thanks to Steven Price is enough to make someone emotional.

I was sad at first when it seemed that Joker died in the helicopter crash and how either Joker pushed her out or she fell (couldn't really tell)

And he was reaching for her and then the expression on her face when it crashed was just heartbreaking. She tried to act all happy in front of the squad also.

The 'Happy ending' that everyone got was dark. How Harley wanted twins with Joker and for them to be normal (well almost) Deadshot wanted to kill Batman.

Rick Flag had nightmares and El Diablo got his family back but all that wasn't real. The death of Diablo struck me because I really loved his character.

The scene with Floyd teaching his daughter and then she made a reference to him killing people was hilarious to me. Amanda Wallar was so spot on.

And lastly the scene when Joker is breaking Harley out of Arkham was awesome and suspenseful for what will happen next...(Of course they couldn't kill the clown prince of crime.)

And that is my opinion on the movie. (Haha. Slipknot 😂)

There will be a new chapter up soon.

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