Crooked Smile

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Author's POV


"We checked the results and..." The doctor started hesitantly.

"And?" Harley's voice cracked.

"You are pregnant."

"I knew it. But I don't understand how."

"You guys used protection?"


"Well there are possibilities that it snapped and you didn't notice. It's very possible. Are you planning to abort the baby?"

"No." Harley moved her hair from her face.


"We haven't decided that yet."

"Well. You have time."

"I'll be back." Joker whispered softly.

"Where are you going?" Harley asked.

"Just to the restroom." Joker lied and left the room.

"And how far along am I?"

"A month and three weeks so you will be due around February. There will be more appointments so I can see what's happening with the baby and all of that stuff."

"Ok. Thanks." Harley left the room and waited for Joker but he didn't show up. After a while of waiting, he turned the corner and stopped.

"You were done early." His blue eyes studied hers.

Harley noticed that he lied to her. "What took you so long?" She growled.

"You're ruining the surprise." He chuckled.

"What surprise?" She had a shocked expression on her face.

He got out a box from his pocket and opened it, showing her a ring that was designed with hearts.

"Oh my god."

"It's a promise ring." He said and slipped the ring onto her finger.

"What are you promising?" Harley asked.

"I'm going to be a father for this baby. When I first heard the news, I was mad. I know it didn't seem like it because I held all that anger in. But then I realized that this isn't your fault. I can't be mad at what's happening. Plus it won't be all that bad. We'll have a baby who has insane parents. Maybe a little Harley."

"Or a mini Mr. J. Oh and we're not using our child as bait for B-man."

"Damn it...that was my plan.."

Harley stared at him.


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