Vision has created a chatroom.
Vision has invited Wanda, Scott, T'Challa, Clint.
Vision: Kindly send assistance to Y/N's room right away. Make haste.
Wanda: What happened?!
T'Challa: On my way, I may or may not have pushed Bucky out of the way and he fell quite hard. Minor casualty.
Vision: You cannot inform the others. I fear for their sanity as well.
Vision: Y/N is making me watch Disney movies. Thor has managed to escape. The coward!
T'Challa: That's what you need help with?!
Wanda: T'Challa hurt Bucky because we thought you and Y/N were in danger!
T'Challa: I would've pushed him either way so it's not a problem really. Gives me an excuse actually.
Wanda: Oh. Okay then.
Clint: I'm sorry Vision, but we cannot help you. We've all been through the whole Disney movie marathon. SUFFER LIKE THE REST OF US!
Scott: I thought you liked it! I did...
T'Challa: Luckily I do not have to go through it.
Vision: You're next.
T'Challa: ... I have duties to my country. I will not have the time.
Scott: That's what we all thought. Y/N will find a way to make you watch the movies.
T'Challa: Oh, look at that. The Dora Milaje have decided to be near me at all times. Hahahaha. Who could have ordered that?
Vision: Magical flying carpets are a terrible form of transportation. First there is the health risks and then the possibility of dead insects on you. I do not understand why it would be used.
Scott: R.I.P my children ...
T'Challa: I thought you were only fond of ants?
T'Challa: Not when he starts throwing funerals for them.
Wanda: It was a mistake Scott. I really did not see Antony The Second.
Scott: He was so young...
Vision has added Loki.
Vision: You have a strong resemblance to Scar.
Loki: I am nothing like that mutt! Who told you that?! Was it Y/N?
Scott: He's having "The Marathon."
Loki: I may have caused the New York incident, impersonated Odin, killed Phil, faked my death, tried to murder my brother, decimated a small town, annihilated tons of people and let the Frost Giants into Asgard but I would NEVER wish that upon anyone! I would rather make love to a bligesnipe than endure that.
Wanda: I thought the God Of Mischief would be a better liar. You loved watching the movies with Y/N, Pietro and I. Also, don't you father a child from a horse? Seems like you wouldn't hesitate to love a bligesnipe.
Loki: Silence, you blasphemous wench!
Wanda: I won't hesitate to inflict pain upon you.
T'Challa: I see your training with Natasha is paying off. This is a new side to you.
Wanda: Thanks. Nat suggested I specifically target Loki as part of my intimidation training.

ASSEMBLE ✦ avengers chatroom
FanfictionChatroom Oneshots featuring the Avengers and the reader with special guest appearances from Deadpool, the X-Men, Guardians of the Galaxy, as well as crossovers from the Justice League. Completed! Book two is now up, VALHALLA (marvel social media).