Keeping Up With T'Challa

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i literally forgot about y/n in the last chat

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i literally forgot about y/n in the last chat... it wasnt until i saw a comment did i remember, y'all im so sorry thanos snapped them from my mind sksksksksk. here's a chat to make up for their disappearance


Y/N has created a chatroom.

Y/N has added T'Challa, Sam, Scott, Rhodey.

You: did y'all hear? wanda got arrested lmao

Scott: I saw her being escorted out of the mall on the news :( So sad.

T'Challa: Did you see her outfit? She got what she deserved.

Scott: You don't mean that?!

T'Challa: Enter Wakanda wearing that and you'll be swatted immediately.

You: it's true, i saw it happen in wakanda

Sam: Steve never saw it coming...

T'Challa: Khaki pants...? In MY country? Disgusting. Never again.

Sam: I tried to talk him out of it, but does he ever listen?

Scott: Poor Cap :(

Scott: So was Wanda bailed out??

You: yeah she's back at the compound now

T'Challa: Tell her if she goes out again with that outfit no one will help her if she gets arrested again lmao. In fact I'll see to it myself she stays locked away for the public's sake.

You: smsksks you're mean

T'Challa: The truth always is.

Scott: And how's Pietro? Man I can only imagine how he must be feeling. He nearly lost his sister.

You: .... um .... how do i say this ....

You: his profile picture on all of his social media is her mugshot...

Scott: oh

You: yea normal brotherly nonsense I'd say

T'Challa: As a brother I can confirm that I'd frame Shuri's mugshot.

Sam: Lemme just send that idea to Pietro, thank you very much.

Scott: Guys c'mon. Cut her some slack.

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