Clint has created a chatroom.
Clint has added Tony.
Clint: Aw, still being ignored by lovely Y/N?
Tony: How do you know?
Clint: Bc I walked passed your office and I saw you looking like a kicked puppy... Sadly spinning on your chair.
Tony: What should I do? I've tried everything.
Clint: Have you said sorry? I know that's pretty hard for you to say.
Clint: Don't you dare spin that chair in anger.
Tony: Are you spying on me?
Clint: Yeah, you just look so sad. I can't bring myself to leave you all alone.
Clint: But I also don't want to get caught in your emotional despair so... I'll keep you company, from outside your office. Away from the sadness.
Tony: You're an odd friend, but I appreciate you.
Bruce has joined the chat.
Clint: I feel like you were just caught cheating.
Bruce: That depends, doesn't it, T-Bone?
Tony: Normally I would love for you guys to fight over my friendship but not today.
Bruce: So it's that bad?
Clint: Yeah, he hasn't even got up to mock Steve for his elderly ways today.
Tony: Technology is just too fast for him to keep up with. Leave him be.
Bruce: O
Clint: NO WAY
Bruce: Do you want me to talk to Y/N for you?
Tony: Natasha already did...
Clint: Heh, I spied on that convo too. Wasn't too good for Tony.
Bruce: It's only been 6 hours since the argument, Tony. Give her some more time, maybe?
Tony: I miss her. I want my hourly kisses. I want to hear her voice. And not when it's to talk to someone else.
Clint: Yeah, Y/N must be beyond upset with you for you to be like this.
Bruce: Hmmmmm.
Clint: Yeeeeees?
Bruce: Hmmmmmmm.
Clint: Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees?
Bruce: Maybe we should all talk to her for you? Some of the team is with me and they said they'd be happy to help.
Tony has added Steve, Natasha, Thor.
Tony: Was it these three?
Thor: We have just been worried for you, Stark. Such a small man, filled with so much pain...
Thor: And most of the pain isn't even Y/N related. You have it rough.
Steve: We weren't being nosy or anything. We weren't reading all your texts to Bruce. We want to help you.
Natasha: We did exactly that. Our nosiness is because we care.
Clint: Nat is a double agent. Anything you say will go straight to Y/N. Don't trust her.

ASSEMBLE ✦ avengers chatroom
FanfictionChatroom Oneshots featuring the Avengers and the reader with special guest appearances from Deadpool, the X-Men, Guardians of the Galaxy, as well as crossovers from the Justice League. Completed! Book two is now up, VALHALLA (marvel social media).