Loki | Secrets

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Thor has created a chatroom.

Thor has invited Sam, Vision, Bruce, Wanda, Scott, T'Challa.

Thor: Greetings my friends. I would like to inform you all of the riveting secret I have uncovered.

Bruce: I did not take you for one to gossip.

Wanda: If it's a secret, we should not know about it.

T'Challa: Respect peoples privacy, Thor.

Vision: It is most likely something embarrassing, in which case do not inform us about it and tarnish someone's reputation momentarily.

Scott: If the person wanted us to know, they would have told us, but they didn't.

Thor: It concerns my brother.

Bruce: Why didn't you just say so?!

T'Challa: Tell us everything!

Scott: Oh thank god. I really wanted to know the secret but my conscience was getting in the way.



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Wanda: Go on.

Vision: Tell me. I cannot wait any longer. Proceed.

Sam: You guys are unbelievable.

Thor: None of you can tell the others, not yet. You are all the least likely to strike him down for what I'm about to tell you.

Bruce: I don't know... The big guy might not like whatever it is then.

Thor: I know. It's better for you and I to reprimand him than the rest of the team should he overstep.

T'Challa: What a subtle way to say that you'll basically kick his ass to Valhalla and back.

Vision: Confess on his behalf, hurry!

Thor: My brother is courting someone...

Sam: shocking.

Sam: No, seriously. I'm genuinely shocked. How?!

Scott: Do you know who it is?

Thor: He is courting Y/N, which is simply baffling considering my brother used to stare at them rather creepily and not say anything. Although in his defense, I suppose he was not used to having to deal with emotions and it took him by surprise, hence his frightening behavior. I simply cannot comprehend this. I am happy for him but it still perplexes me. When did this happen? When did he start wooing Y/N? How did I not know until now? How did none of us notice the signs? I discovered this on accident, by the way. Wade told me. My brother told Wade first and not me. Wade. Of all people. Why did my brother not tell me? Why did Y/N not tell me? Why did they entrust Wade with their relationship? WHY NOT ME?!

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