[ hi ]
Before you read the chat, you need to know that I DID NOT WRITE the short story in it. It was created by a plot generator and I LOST IT when I read it, my God.
And uh... that trailer. I usually make an author's note chapter for each trailer but not for this one. I think I'm just going to abstain from a lot of the news around it as much as possible so that I go into the cinema knowing nothing.
Also, I feel like a really tired grandma, and Thanos is the neighborhood brat who won't stay off my lawn bc he wants to antagonize my poodles (the avengers). At this point... in the fandom... marvel has truly gotten to my soul... ya girl is exasperated.
. . . .
Vision has created a chatroom.
Vision has added Tony, Y/N, Bruunhilde, Steve, Nebula.
Vision: Hello. Exciting news!
Bruunhilde: you've streamed dirty computer by janelle monae?
Vision: No. Should I?
Bruunhilde: yes
Bruunhilde: and whatever news you have now is worthless and irrelevant
Tony: What is the news?
Vision: I have written my very first novel!
You: Whoa that is exciting news!
Nebula: boring
Bruunhilde: ^
Steve: Can we read it? :)
Vision: Yes. That's why I've brought us together.
Bruunhilde: this is the first time i've spoken to you
Bruunhilde: so why would i want to read your novel? thank you though, but i just think you'd share this with y'know
Bruunhilde: people you are friends with
Vision: We will be friends after this. A key to building a friendship is bold steps, and this is mine.
Bruunhilde: ok.. kinda sweet... but ok
Nebula: i didn't know you existed until now vision
Nebula: and if you say i'm here bc we're "similar" I WILL PUT YOUR HEAD ON A PIKE
Vision: You're in my story.
Nebula: oh cool
You: Who else is in it?
Vision: Father.
Tony: Aw :')
Vision: And Thanos.
Tony: ... ok disowned
Steve: Give him a chance.
Tony: I have to share the same UNIVERSE with him. Now a novel too?
You: a message from pietro: lmao... what js the genre... ;)))))))) tony and thanos;)
Tony: Tell him I WILL punch him.
Vision: What I will be showing you all is the first draft. It will later be fleshed out to increase the word count.
Vision: Part 1.

ASSEMBLE ✦ avengers chatroom
FanfictionChatroom Oneshots featuring the Avengers and the reader with special guest appearances from Deadpool, the X-Men, Guardians of the Galaxy, as well as crossovers from the Justice League. Completed! Book two is now up, VALHALLA (marvel social media).