Mad King

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( clint declaring he's okay after a bandit attack only to slip and fall into a bush afterwards )

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( clint declaring he's okay after a bandit attack only to slip and fall into a bush afterwards )


Thor has written a letter.

Thor has sent a raven to T'Challa.


Greetings King T'Challa

I giveth some dire news pertaining to the lands of Jotunheim - kingdom of mine own brother, King Loki Laufeyson.
Driven nimble-footed with greed, he hast hik'd taxes up to the point whither coequal the richest of nobles art suffering.
I has't hath given aid to the peasants, and did invite those folk to mine own own kingdom, Asgard.

However, with mine own sister driven insane with ambition, she has marched with her mighty soldiers to his kingdom, making me fear these peasants may not arrive in time. Setteth upon by bandits, soldiers, 'r coequal animals, they standeth a slim chance.

I asketh from thee to sendeth three ships with the most wondrous of thy men to assist these valorous fellows ere something ill befalls them folk, or should my sister and brother set upon my own Kingdom.

Thee would has't mine own allegiance, gratitude and aid whenever needed should thee chooseth to help us.

King Thor.

T'Challa has sent a raven.



Shuri has sent a raven.


I apologize for mine own brother's blunt response. We cannot offer any troops, for we need those folk for a raging war here at home.

What I can offer thee, however, is emotional support.

Findeth attached to this letter a painting by the most gifted of my artists. It is bound to life your somber spirits:

 It is bound to life your somber spirits:

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