A/N: in continuation with the chat "Justice League, Meet the Avengers." Also, new 52 Diana references. What would you like in more of the crossovers?
Thor has created a chatroom.
Thor has added Diana.
Thor: Greetings Princess Diana of Themyscira, Daughter of Hippolyta, God of War.
Diana: Greetings, Prince Thor of Asgard, Son of Odin, God Of Thunder.
Clint has joined the chat.
Clint has added Oliver.
Clint: Greetings Oliver Queen, Man of Green Arrows.
Oliver: Greetings Clint Barton, Eye of The Hawk.
Thor: Do not mock our titles.
Diana: That is very improper of you, Ollie.
Thor: Barton, your title is more like Slumbering Coffee Monster of Avengers Compound.
Diana: And Ollie, yours is Angsty Island Man of Justice League Watch Tower.
Clint: They got us good, Queen.
Oliver: I am wounded from their insults.
Thor: Lady Diana, Lady Y/N informs me that you too have a member of your family with murderous tendencies.
Diana: Everyone on my father's side has murderous tendencies. Family gatherings almost always end in a fist fight.
Thor: Would your family wish to take my brother in? Our pantheons may be different but I feel like he may fit in well among them.
Loki has joined the chat.
Loki: Thor, stop trying to get rid of me!
Diana: A compelling offer. I will agree on the grounds that you take one of my siblings as well.
Thor: I accept, who is the least likely to murder me and steal my right as future king of Asgard?
Loki has added Y/N.
Loki: Y/N! Do something! He is bartering me off!
You: I don't think Loki would last a day in Diana's family. Complete the exchange.
Loki: Y/N!!!!!!!!!!
Thor: Brother, it is LADY Y/N to you!
Loki: I know she is a lady, I need not point it out every time you fool!
Oliver: Hey, Thor. Since you don't have a brother any more, and someone needs to take his place, I'm here for you bro.
Loki: Shut it! You will not take my place!
Oliver: You're in denial. Move on to acceptance.
Steve has joined the chat.
Steve: Guys, I thought we all agreed not to upset Loki?
Diana: We agreed to no such thing.
Oliver: He is ours to annoy now.
Clint: Good, you can have him.
Oliver: Wow, gifting me Norse Gods? I didn't get you anything.
Clint: He is both a gift and curse.
Steve: If he starts acting up, you pacify him!
Steve has left the chat.
Pietro has joined the chat.

ASSEMBLE ✦ avengers chatroom
FanfictionChatroom Oneshots featuring the Avengers and the reader with special guest appearances from Deadpool, the X-Men, Guardians of the Galaxy, as well as crossovers from the Justice League. Completed! Book two is now up, VALHALLA (marvel social media).