Bucky | Waffles

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Bucky has started a chatroom.

Bucky has invited Nat, Steve, Sam, Vision, Tony, Wanda, Clint, Y/N.

Bucky: I need your help

Steve: HYDRA?

Bucky: ...No. I'm trying to make breakfast for my doll. She seemed really down yesterday and I thought this would cheer her up but the food keeps burning and everything is so confusing in this kitchen!

Tony: Wait - Are you two dating?

Bucky: No. Shit the toast is burnt! I'll be right back

Sam: Is anyone going to tell him or should I?

Wanda: He'll probably figure it out when she wakes up and replies to this chat.

Tony: He has it bad.

Vision: Why is he denying his feelings?

Nat: We can all see it.

Clint: Hey, yeah, one problem: He's going to return and see that Y/N is actually in the chat. Nice going guys.

Nat: Quick! Spam it!

Tony: Fact: I am the coolest one here.

Steve: Really, Tony?


Steve: I wonder what I should sketch today.

Clint: What's a good tractor to buy?

Sam: Where is a nice place for bird watching?

Vision: How many mars bars would it take to climb Bluff Knoll? I have the answer: One 65 gram Mars Bar provides about 1230 kilojoules of energy. Assuming your body weight is about 75 kilograms, you will expend about 3200 kilojoules. So, three Mars Bars will get you comfortably to the top. However, the Mars Bars should not really be necessary - fat stores typically provide 540,000 kilojoules, enough for about 170 climbs.

Sam: Wtf.

Wanda: ... You are spending too much time with Bruce.

Vision: I am only complying to Natasha's request.

Bucky: The stupid waffle machine broke! WHY IS EVERYTHING SO FRAGILE?

Clint: Maybe because you have a metal arm?

Bucky: How do I operate this stupid blender?!?!

Tony: If you look carefully, it is very hard to miss, you will find an On button. Gently press it. Hard, right?

Bucky: Don't start with me Stark!

Steve: Look, Buck. It's pretty obvious you have feelings for Y/N, why don't you just tell her?

Bucky: You're reading too much into this. I just really wanted to do something for her. To cheer her up. I don't like seeing her upset. I want to make her happy. What is wrong with that?

Nat: Can you hear yourself?

Clint: You are so in love.

Bucky: I DON'T LIKE Y/N!

Tony has added Bruce.

Tony: Get the truth serum.

Bruce: Right away.

Bruce has left the chat.

Vision has added Thor.

Vision: Thor, would you court Lady Y/N?

Thor: She is very beautiful, maybe I'll ask her out. Thank you, Vision.


Sam: Why shouldn't he?

Bucky: Because.

Nat: I know where you can take her for your first date, Thor.

Bucky: NO! I LIKE Y/N, OKAY? Please don't.

Thor: I know. I was just trying to get you to confess.

Y/N: I like you too, James.

Bucky: ... You were here this whole time?

Y/N: Yup! Read everything. For a moment there I thought you really didn't like me.

Bucky: How could I not like you? Doll, you're the best thing that's happened to me.

Y/N: Well since you suck at cooking, how about we continue this conversation over breakfast? Where we have privacy...

Clint: Why must you ruin our fun?

Bucky: It's a date then, doll!

Y/N has left the chat.

Bucky has left the chat.

Sam: Now I'm hungry.

Thor: Me too.

Tony: I nominate we follow them and get breakfast wherever they are.

Wanda: They'll spot us instantly!

Steve: Don't worry, I have the best disguise ever.

Later that day

Clint: I can't believe you thought wearing a hoodie and a cap would be a good disguise.

Steve: It has worked for me countless times!

Thor: Perhaps next time we should leave the disguises up to someone else.

Vision: Agreed.

Vision has left the chat.

Thor has left the chat.

Tony has left the chat.

Nat has left the chat.

Clint has left the chat.

Wanda has left the chat.

Sam has left the chat.

Steve: :(

Steve has left the chat.

Steve has left the chat

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