Wanda has created a chatroom.
Wanda has invited Nat, Y/N.
Wanda: Hey, are you two busy?
Nat: No, what's up?
Y/N: I'm not. I'm watching this
Wanda: Omg
Nat: Why?
Y/N: Clint sent me one with Legolas so I'm sending him this one.
Wanda: He likes LOTR?
Nat: So basically he sent you a video of himself?
Y/N: Lol pretty much
Wanda: Oh yes. I had something important to tell the both of you.
Nat: Do I need to get my guns?
Y/N: I'll fight anyone who hurts you.
Wanda: No! Nobody did anything.
Y/N: Is it that new recruit?
Nat: Did he ask you out yet?
Wanda: Can you please stop jumping to conclusions.
Nat: If he didn't ask you out yet I know someone else who will.
Y/N: Nat, you tried to be matchmaker for Steve and it failed. It is going to fail again.
Nat: I'll find someone for you as well.
Wanda: I bet Y/N is making a "Are you serious right now" face.
Y/N: I am.
Nat: What about Clark?
Y/N: That journalist guy? I guess he's pretty cute.
Wanda: He's average.
Nat: Not everyone can be Vision.
Wanda: What? That's not what I meant!
Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. Wanda: Why does he want to know?
Nat: I think I know why.
Bucky has joined the chat.
Bucky: You can't keep me out.
Wanda: Of course. He was trying to find out the password.
Nat: And he succeeded.
Bucky: What are you ladies talking about?
Y/N: Leave. Now. And never come back.

ASSEMBLE ✦ avengers chatroom
FanfictionChatroom Oneshots featuring the Avengers and the reader with special guest appearances from Deadpool, the X-Men, Guardians of the Galaxy, as well as crossovers from the Justice League. Completed! Book two is now up, VALHALLA (marvel social media).