Batsy has created a chatroom.
Batsy has added Alfredo Pasta.
Batsy: Alfred.
Alfredo Pasta: Yes, Master Bruce?
Batsy: Was it Barry or Oliver this time?
Alfredo Pasta: It was the young speedster, Master Bruce.
Batsy has added Bear.
Batsy: Stop. Changing. Our. Names.
Bear: Alfredo Pasta, you snitched on me?
Alfredo Pasta: No regrets, son.
Alfredo Pasta: Was there something you needed, Master Bruce?
Batsy: I want to know the current status of the rest of the league.
Alfredo Pasta: Inviting them over for dinner? I shall prepare the table.
Batsy: No - a meeting that involves food, Alfred!
Bear: Ooooh are we having Lobster Thermidor? Arthur won't like that.
Bear: I'll be back in a... Flash. Gotta take care of my good pal Captain Cold.
Bear has left the chat.
Alfredo Pasta: It seems all members of the JLA are currently preoccupied.
Batsy: Even Clark? What could Arthur be doing? And Diana?
Alfredo Pasta: Saving the world, of course.
Alfredo Pasta: Except for Arthur. He's at an aquarium.
Batsy: Are there any criminals out?
Alfredo Pasta: I'm afraid not, Master Bruce. Master Dick has done an exceptional job of keeping them at bay.
Batsy: ...
Batsy: What's the Joker up to?
Alfredo Pasta: He's in hiding after your last debacle with him.
Bear has joined the chat.
Bear: All done!
Bear: I'm starving. Since the rest of the team is busy, can we go to this new diner I found?
Batsy: YES
Batsy: I mean, let me check my plans.
Batsy: I'm available.
Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. Batsy: Who is that?
Bear: Dunno :))
Basty: So this new diner...?

ASSEMBLE ✦ avengers chatroom
FanfictionChatroom Oneshots featuring the Avengers and the reader with special guest appearances from Deadpool, the X-Men, Guardians of the Galaxy, as well as crossovers from the Justice League. Completed! Book two is now up, VALHALLA (marvel social media).