Sunday Nights

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the avengers having movie nights together, eating takeout and just being overall dorks is what marvel should really consider making into a movie, or a sitcom

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the avengers having movie nights together, eating takeout and just being overall dorks is what marvel should really consider making into a movie, or a sitcom... who's with me?


Clint has created a chatroom.

Clint has added Sam, Bucky.

Clint: Where are you guys? Nat's getting impatient, Vision's being rather Vision-like which is always terrifying, and the popcorn supply is getting low.

Clint: And Peter's really hungry.

Clint: We miss y'all but honestly, the kid needs to eat soon and Nat might just punch the wall -- or maybe Vision if he doesn't shut up about electrolytes -- if she doesn't get her Paella soon.

Bucky: we're stuck in traffic.

Clint: You're walking over, you filthy liar.

Bucky: the sidewalks are very crowded, clint.

Sam: Bucky's like a sloth. Literally won't power-walk at all.

Clint: Do you need directions?

Sam: Nah man, we've got this.

Clint: Okay, but my wrap is getting cold the longer you two take to arrive so hurry up.

Bucky: wow, the concern coming off you for us is so touching.

Sam: Y/N's apartment is opposite that flower shop that Wanda likes, right?

Clint: ... No.

Clint: The new place has a donut shop opposite it.

Bucky: ... what's the address again?

Clint: I can't believe you two.

Bucky: honestly... all this moving apartments is unnecessary...

Sam: Bucky, trashcan. Step right.

Bucky: thanks for being my eyes while i text this cranky old man.

Bucky: wait, that was streetlight not a trashcan

Sam: Yeah, what of it?

Bucky: you just called me a trashcan.

Sam: I mean, with all the rubbish that comes out of your mouth, yeah.

Clint: Send me your location before you two get lost.

Bucky has sent his location.

Clint: Damn your poor direction skills, now our food is gonna get cold.

Clint has sent an address.

Clint: THIS is where you guys need to go. Follow the directions exactly, please.

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