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No IW spoilers, please 💛
Natasha has created a chatroom.
Natasha has added Y/N.
Natasha: Kotenok (kitten), ready?
You: Yeah, can't wait to get out of the compound for a while.
Sam has joined the chat.
Sam: Ready for what? Where are you going?
You: Should we tell him?
Natasha: I don't know... He'll want to tag along.
Sam: Don't assume I would want to spend time with you two.
You: Oh? Is that so? I guess we don't have to worry about babysitting then, babes.
Natasha: He's acting. We can't trust him.
Sam: I'm not. Now where are you two going?
You: We're going to the new cafe that opened up.
Sam: Cool, lemme just get my wallet and we can head out.
Natasha: Kotenok, I told you so.
Sam: We, as a GROUP, have been planning to go.
Sam: Not this secret double agent betrayal duo you two have going here.
You: Wouldn't it be a triple agent betrayal then if you join us, huh?
Sam: Listen, what Steve doesn't know, won't hurt him.
Sam: And we're doing the public a service with leaving Bucky behind.
Sam: The man's a menace.
Natasha: He's not so bad.
Natasha has added Bucky.
Sam: You did that just to spite me, didn't you?
Natasha: Don't be coming into my chats and hurling capitalized letters at me.
You: Buck, wanna join us?
Sam: don't
Bucky: I'll come with, Dorogaya [darling], only because of you and Natasha.
Sam: don't
Bucky: When do we head out?
Sam: no don't

ASSEMBLE ✦ avengers chatroom
FanfictionChatroom Oneshots featuring the Avengers and the reader with special guest appearances from Deadpool, the X-Men, Guardians of the Galaxy, as well as crossovers from the Justice League. Completed! Book two is now up, VALHALLA (marvel social media).