Wanda | Eggnog

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A/N: I had meant to post this before Christmas but I forgot...  Technically now I have, just a couple months too early. :P

P.M: Private Message

Clint has created a chatroom.

Clint has invited Thor.

Clint: Is it safe to come out?

Thor: Not yet. He still searches for you.

Clint: Can't you distract him?! I have to hide in my own house!

Thor: Why are you hiding from Vision? He just wants you to try his eggnog.

Clint: Have you tried it yet?

Thor: No...

Clint: Good. You have been spared.

Thor: It can't be that bad?

Clint: Trust me... It is.

Vision has joined the chat.

Clint has cleared the chat.

Clint: Hello. What brings you here to this humble chat?

Vision: I would like it if you tried my homemade eggnog.

Clint: That, right... I already tried it this morning. So I don't need to again.

Vision: So it was you who spilled some of it?

Thor: More like spat it out...

P.M: Clint to Thor:

Clint: Tasha scared me

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Clint: Tasha scared me... You know how scary she can be?

Thor: I think you should try some more eggnog, Clint. Now you can truly savor it without interruptions.

P.M: Thor To Clint:

M: Thor To Clint:

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P.M: Clint To Thor: I'm putting legos in your room. Not even an Asgardian can bare the pain of legos.

Clint: Sure! Why not? Thor should have some too.

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