Thor | Uncle Loki

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( a thor x reader chat but it's actually just loki being an eccentric and loving uncle )

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( a thor x reader chat but it's actually just loki being an eccentric and loving uncle )


Bruce has created a chatroom: The Club

Bruce has added Loki, Rhodey, Steve.

Bruce: Hello.

Pietro has joined the chat.

Pietro: the CLUB

Pietro: where we partying old men

Steve: Pietro... Pietro... Where is your sister? Where is Clint? He's supposed to be watching over you.

Loki: Let the boy be.

Pietro: lol i'm surprised steve is willing to go to the CLUB

Pietro: so where are we going and what time

Pietro: i require one hour notice in advance so i can gel my hair appropriately

Rhodey: You're a waste of Speed powers.

Bruce: Now, and the park.

Pietro: what now it's daytime???

Pietro: and the park??

Pietro: do you mean music festival lololololol

Pietro: anyway i'm game

Rhodey: Are we really taking him?

Bruce: Yeah, why not?

Loki: If I murder him and hide his body in the bushes, none of you are allowed to complain.

Bruce: I don't know what "murder" is.

Rhodey: Agreed.

Pietro: sksksksksk ok

Loki: Ssssss, sssss 🐍

Pietro: what

Steve: Friday, what does sksksksksk mean?

Friday: sksksksksksks

Steve: ....

Steve: Thank you for that enlightening answer, Friday.

Loki: sss ssss ssssss 🐍

Pietro: wtf stop

Loki: ssss sssss peasant 🐍

Rhodey: Guys can we please go now...


Bruce: Pietro, stop sulking and come back.

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