Wade has created a chatroom: Starring a bunch of kinky spandex wearing freaks
Wade has added Y/N.
Wade: Honey, this might be hard for you, but for this chat you're your own sentient character, okay?
You: It's fine, Wade. I'm just here to help you with your questions.
You: Should we ask them in order of Avenger/Non Avenger or no?
Wade: Hmmm..... No. Let's just have one big mess.
Wade: Deep breaths Y/N. It'll be okay.
You: I'm already nauseous from imagining what a mess this chat will be.
Y/N has added Thor, Tony, Clint, Steve, Natasha, Bruce.
Steve: I'm only agreeing to this because Y/N asked us. So stay in line, Wade.
Clint: Ask everyone their deepest darkest secrets.
Wade: Today on the Wade show, we've asked Y/N's from all over the world to send in their questions.
Wade: With help of the Author, we've curated the best of the best questions.
You: (aka we're asking you all the questions bc they're all good)
Wade: Round of applause for our guests please.
Natasha: clap... clap.
Tony: You don't clap for yourselves.
Natasha: I'll clap all I want for myself. CLAP. CLAP.
You: Ma'am I'm going to have to ask you to behave or you will be escorted off the set.
Wade: To Tony, from LolipopLaleaLou: Why are you full of yourself?
Tony: Um????
Steve: Tony's one of the most selfless people I know.
Peter has joined the chat.
Peter: I can confirm this. Mr. Stark is so great, and caring, and sweet, and I love you Mr. Stark.
You: Sir, please, no interruptions from the audience.
You: Oh, I've just got word that you're a special guest. Please take a seat.
Peter: I'm already sitting on my bed...
Tony: I'm full of organs, accomplishments, PTSD, and many other things. Please specify how exactly I am so full of myself. (I also had a big breakfast so that could be it?)
Wade: sassy and saddening my poor baby let me hug you
You: No touching the host, please. And Wade, the Author has banned you from touching the guests.
Natasha: If we look passed Stark's overconfidence, he's pretty much the only one on the team that cares the most for us.
Steve: Uh... I care.
Natasha: Mhm, who broke us up?
Wade: Oh, things are heating up.
You: Next question Wade, before we have another fight on this show.
Bruce: Wait, how many times have you had this show????
Wade: Also from the same person, but to Peter, why are you so damn cute?

ASSEMBLE ✦ avengers chatroom
FanfictionChatroom Oneshots featuring the Avengers and the reader with special guest appearances from Deadpool, the X-Men, Guardians of the Galaxy, as well as crossovers from the Justice League. Completed! Book two is now up, VALHALLA (marvel social media).