You Meme A Lot To Me

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Clint has created a chatroom.

Clint has invited Y/N, Natasha.

Clint: every breath you take, every move you make, every bond you break

Natasha: clint, it's 2 am.

Clint: every step you take

Clint: I'll be watching you. happy valentine's day. my gifts will be delivering later on pls do not trash them

Natasha: is that coulson's song?

Y/N: this explains why my room is flooded with gifts from the others

Natasha: why must tony give us all cardboard cutouts of him every year?

Pietro has joined the chat.

Pietro: couldn't u choose a better song old man? this is why u have no valentine. even ur wife said no.

Clint: did i invite u? no.

Pietro: today is a day of love so don't be salty

Clint: Na.

Clint: hahaha get it

Pietro: no

Clint: ofc you wouldn't

Natasha: pls stop messaging so i may sleep.

Clint: no

Natasha: u have robbed us all of sleep for the past who knows how many nights and as soon as we fall asleep u wake us up! and we had missions the whole week i am tired enough is enough.

Clint: we are a special no sleep club okay we don't need sleep, it needs us

Y/N: look at what the lack of sleep is doing to us clint LOOK AT WHAT WE HAVE BECOME

Clint: we were always like this y/n. the real us.

Natasha: barton to bartoff pls.

Clint: romanoff to romanon pls

Y/N: hey, hey, since today is valentine's day i would just like to say

Y/N: u all meme a lot to me

Bucky has joined the chat.

Bucky: that doesn't make sense y/n

Y/N: it does???

Bucky: u all me-me a lot to me? that doesn't sound right

Pietro: lol omg

Y/N: it's pronounced MEEM

Bucky: no, it's ME-ME


Bucky: leave me-me alone.

Clint: why are we so weird at 2am

Pietro: u are always weird lol

Clint: u shut ur mouth

Bucky: u r all my valentines

Y/N: not me-me

Bucky: bby dont hurt me

Scott has joined the chat.

Scott: Hey, everyone!

Natasha: that is my spider sons line, how dare u

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