( or the day Clint forever had drama with seagulls )
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Thor has created a chatroom.
Thor has added Tony.
Thor: Bartender, one of those Piña Colada's, please. Hold the pineapples and such. Extra rum. Red umbrella.
Tony: So just white rum?
Thor: My good man... If that is all that remains of the drink... Then who am I to say?
Tony: Just ask for rum.
Thor: But I want the umbrella.
Tony: I'll add the umbrella to your rum.
Thor: Perfection.
Scott has joined the chat.
Tony: Hey, Scott. What's your poison?
Scott: Mai Tai please c: , thanks!
Thor: Ohhhh... Spiced rum... Yes, Bartender, whip me up one of those too.
Tony: How's the team, Scott?
Scott: Which team do you mean?
Tony: Traitors.
Scott: Oh, well. Bucky's arm is hot, more so than usual if you catch my meaning.
Scott: Wanda has Vision buried in sand. It might be against Vision's will.
Scott: Steve's still applying sunscreen.
Scott: Clint hasn't left his spot from under his umbrella. Says the sand is too hot to walk on.
Scott: Sam remains nose deep in the water - only occasionally surfacing to breathe - to hide from Bucky and his hot hand.
Scott: As for the double traitor, she's building a sandcastle with Pietro.
Tony: I'm glad everyone's having fun.
Scott: What about you? c:
Tony: oh, you know, just giving Thor alcohol poisoning.
Thor: I'm on my tenth Piña Colada.
Loki has joined the chat.
Loki: Bartender, another Strawberry Daiquari. Light on the rum, extra strawberries. Stay your hand on the sugar. Green umbrella.
Tony: How did I get stuck mixing drinks for Asgardians?
Scott: Loki, you still hiding under that coconut tree?

ASSEMBLE ✦ avengers chatroom
FanfictionChatroom Oneshots featuring the Avengers and the reader with special guest appearances from Deadpool, the X-Men, Guardians of the Galaxy, as well as crossovers from the Justice League. Completed! Book two is now up, VALHALLA (marvel social media).