He's Not Mine - Part Two

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Between slightly pursed lips, a long sigh filled the room.

Mentally, she counted to five and tried to calm down.

"Saemneir, sweetie, can you please calm down? Mummy needs to work."

The young boy stopped his fiddling with some strange artefact she knew she'd never be able to afford to replace and hopped over with a chipper bounce in his step.

"Thank you."

The relief she felt over her son listening was almost enough to make her cry.

It had just reached past late afternoon and it was slowly getting darker outside. With a five thirty start in the morning, the day had been a long and arduous one.

No one had been available to look after Saemneir, her usual carer being called to a different duty at the last minute, and so she had to make the hasty decision for him to follow after her as she worked.

That wasn't to say that he misbehaved, he behaved as you'd expect any three year old to, but it was hard work trying to clean to the high standards of the palace and keep an eye on an active and overly curious child, who needed some form of entertainment.

At least a few times he had taken a nap, allowing her to work undisturbed, but they were few and far between and never lasted long.

Once he was up, he'd once again be running around and staring at all the wonderful items that he had never seen before in his short life, he always had a fascination with learning and that warmed her heart, but it was a little inconvenient when she was trying to clean and he wanted to pull things out.

Though the hours had been long, time had still passed quickly as she tried to tidy and entertain Saemneir at the same time and before she knew it, she had reached her final designated room for the day.

However, it was a room she would be happy to never see again.

Per his harsh order, she had spent the past three years avoiding this particular room at any cost.

The memories of inside twisted her heart and froze her blood, the ghosts of the sensations and emotions she felt in there grazed her skin with smooth touches that would forever haunt her.

His voice still echoed in her head, the words of love now mixed with the words of hate and the once loving tone turned more betrayed each time she allowed herself a moment to reminisce.


She looks down at the young boy, who stares up at her with his bright blue eyes and a wide smile, a string of his wavy black hair falling into his face.

"What is it, darling?"

"Are we going inside now?" He tilted his head, swinging the hand he was latched onto by holding three fingers.

She looked towards the door in front of them and laughed, "Of course we are."

"And then are we getting food?"

"Don't we always when mummy has finished working?"

He nodded vigorously, practically hopping on the spot whilst beginning to rattle off all the things he wanted to eat that evening.

As he rambled, she let out another long sigh and pushed the door open, Loki's all too familiar scent wafting over her instantly.

A smell that was pleasant and unique only to him.

Saemneir wastes no time in letting go of her hand and running inside, staring in awe at the huge room full of books, magical artefacts and other princely items that he'd never seen before.

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