A Mile in my Shoes - Day Six

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I arrived back late the next day.

A sparring session had taken place and Thor had been invited to participate against some of the upcoming new recruits of the palace.

It was ridiculously entertaining and I was glad that I was attending, despite how tired I was after rushing up and down the halls and getting lost in the maze of corridors.

Needless to say, I was ready for sleep by the time I got back.

When I stepped inside, the living room and kitchen lights were on but there was no sign of Loki, I couldn't hear the shower going in the bathroom and the light didn't appear to be on but that didn't mean he wasn't in there.

I shrugged and went to the bedroom, intending to strip off his ridiculously intricate armour and lounge about in my boxers until I crashed on the couch.

An undignified but very hot look for Loki, something I would definitely love to have walked into sometime.

Then again, I wished that he would let his hair get loose and tussled more often as well without me having to take control of his body to make it happen.

Sometimes I just wanted to admire him in a primal state, not all prim and well presented.

What was better than a wild, well-spoken man?

I felt a, by this point, familiar twitch as my mind's image spurred up a familiar bubble of arousal.

As I neared the half-closed bedroom, I heard a groan of both frustration and pleasure.

Raising my eyebrow, I stepped forward and pushed the door open.

Slowly, it swung inward to reveal Loki led on the bed on full display.

His chest was pressed into the mattress with his hips in the air, legs open as he furiously rubbed at himself with ragged breaths, pants and grumbles of annoyance, my laptop was led open in front of him on a porn page which was only made obvious by the ads surrounding a wall of text on a white page.

My cock twitched again at the sight, Loki's body reacting to mine as it had so many times before, only this time I couldn't ignore it.

A cold shower wasn't going to help how hard I could feel myself getting.

Loki shifted a little to look towards me, his face reading desperation and causing my breath to hitch in my chest.

That was the expression he loved to see on me, the one that would make him smirk as his eyes darkened.

"All day," he groaned, "I've been so turned on all day."

"Yeah, that'll happen, it's because of the hormone shift."

I slowly moved towards the bed, slipping off the long coat of my armour.

"Perhaps I can help with that."


The desperate whine that came from him threw any caution I had out of the window.

I was hard, painfully throbbing hard and this time it couldn't go ignored.

As I pulled off the accompanying tunic, leaving me bare chested, Loki closed the lid of the laptop and placed it to one side before rolling over and lifting his hips up to push the shorts down his legs.

"How long have you been foregoing underwear?" I chuckled, the deep sound spurring me on more as memories of when it had been used towards me flared up.

God, I loved his laugh.

I grabbed onto the discarded shorts and threw them carelessly to one side then took hold of his hips and pulled him down the bed to meet where my legs rested against the end of it.

Guiding his legs to secure around my waist, I loomed over him with my hands resting on either side of his head as we stared at each other, his breathing laboured.

"Are you sure about this?" He asked.

"No, but let's not think too hard about it before I chicken out."

He nodded then clasped his hands on my cheeks to pull me down into a heated and needy kiss, which sent my brain into shutdown and I didn't hesitate in kissing back.

Had I let myself think too hard about it, I'd have backed away at the prospect of what was about to happen due to my own lack of self-love, something Loki didn't even seem to be taking into consideration judging by the way he was grinding against my still clothed groin.

Though that could also be the hormones flaring his arousal, something I knew all too well about.

As I kissed back and it became more heated, his hands moved away from my face and slid down my neck, shoulder, arms and torso until he reached the waistband of my alarmingly tight pants.

With amazingly fluid motion, he had them unbuckled and pushed down my hips, grabbing onto my erection to give it a few pumps before I even had a chance to blink.

I gasped at the contact and broke the kiss, hanging my head to look between our bodies and watch what he was doing.

"Oh fuck," I groaned, unable to stop myself from bucking into the contact.

Typically, I wasn't really one to make too much noise during sex, sure I'd pant and groan, occasionally I'd whimper but rarely was there anything close to dirty talk between us, however this new sensation was amazing and I found myself stringing out a few curses as he worked me up further.

Then he suddenly stopped and pulled his hand away.

I looked down at him, trying to hide my disappointment.

He smirked up at me and I felt his legs unwrap from around my waist and he braced his feet against the edge of the bed, letting his legs fall open as he looked up at me.

"I can't deal with the teasing right now, let's do this."

I nodded dumbly, pushing myself up on one hand while using the other to line us up.

There was a moment of hesitation as I stared between us, the realization of what was about to happen making me falter until Loki got impatient and rolled his hips, causing an amount of friction that finalized my decision.

Pinning one of his hips to the bed, I held on tightly and finally pushed myself in.

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